Sounds like one of the modules is being compiled with different version of the 

On 8/23/10 12:39 PM, "BillF" <> wrote:

I have an application that loads a flex module.  This module loads correctly, 
however, this module also is supposed to load 3 other modules.  Originally, 
this module was tied specifically to a given application "shell", which 
provided objects that the child and grandchildren used.  It was determined that 
we needed to isolate the child from the shell, so that it could be loaded in 
other shells without problems.

In doing so, I moved the code that the shell used into a module, moving all the 
code that called the parentApplication to use the parentDocument.  This gives 
me a shell -> child -> grandchild -> great grandchild arrangement.

I get no compile errors on the compilation of the test shell (which only has a 
function to load the child module), nor any compile errors on the 
grandchildren/great grandchildren.

However, when I run the application, the child module loads, but when it tries 
to load the grandchild, it tosses an error before it gets to any of the 
pre-initialization code..

VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of FlexModuleFactory in 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe System, Inc.

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