As I have seen your swf it is not loading completely and its size is less
than 200 kb,
so it must be loading framework as RSL.
Also it might load if you out it in same folder ,if it is so,then problem is
that the framework setting is wrong,

try putting framework_xxxx.xx in admin folder and try again.

Thanks & Regards,

Pravin Uttarwar | Perennial Systems | Cell: +91 9371288080 | Tel: +91 (020)
2421 1286 Ext:2007

On 1 September 2010 11:57, ZIONIST <> wrote:

> am not sure i understand your question... all i did is develop the two apps
> separately and deployed the release build version of the site to the wwwroot
> folder on the host server and the release build version of the admin site to
> the admin folder in the wwwroot folder.

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