I assume you’ve set focus to the DDL?  Try it outside of a Form and see if 
arrow keys work then.

On 8/10/11 1:10 AM, "isa_loyer" <isa_lo...@yahoo.fr> wrote:

Dear Flexer,

I have a form in custom titleWindow.
I this form, I place DropDownList.
In this list, I'd like to select item with up or down key, but it doesn't work.
Should I implement this?


<s:Form x="0" y="94" id="foPerso" width="100%" height="100%"
 includeInLayout="true" includeIn="tb1"

 <s:FormLayout gap="3" paddingLeft="0"/>


<s:HGroup width="100%" gap="3" horizontalAlign="left" resizeMode="noScale"
 verticalAlign="baseline" >

<s:DropDownList id="cbQualite" dataProvider="{DP_PAT_CIVIL}"
 selectedItem="{getSelectedItem(DP_PAT_CIVIL, objectPatient.paQualPatient)}"
 change="objectPatient.paQualPatient = event.currentTarget.selectedItem.label"/>

<s:FormItem label="Nom" >
 <s:TextInput id="fdNom" width="200"

 <s:FormItem  label="Prénom" >
 <s:TextInput id="fdPrenom" width="200" text="@{objectPatient.paPrenom}"/>
 <s:DropDownList id="cbDossier1" dataProvider="{DP_PAT_DOS1}" width="118" 
height="22" tabIndex="3"
 change="objectPatient.paQualPatient = event.currentTarget.selectedItem.label"

<s:FormItem label="" >
 <s:TextInput id="fDossier1" width="90" paddingRight="5" 



Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe System, Inc.

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