In order to pass values to a swf you have a concept called as flashVars.

If you come from a java / C background you would know that your main entry
point in there is the main() function. This main function can be called
without any arguments or with arguments..( if you are familiar with argc and
argv[] ). FlashVars is something similiar to that concept.

Just have a read about those and you should be able to get the proper

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 8:20 PM, rawat <> wrote:

> **
> HI,
> I have been trying to pass the values to the mxml file(whose output is .swf
> file) via android (java code) , But i am unable to do this.Here is my
> problem, I think tht .SWF file is a binary file(like exe , .out or .dll or
> .iso) which runs on flash platforms(browser, mobile phone supporting
> flash).Now i want the output of the .swf to be dependent on some values
> which I want to pass thourgh the android code.
> Other way is that I put the mxml files itself inside the eclipse(android
> project IDE) and pass the values to it (don't know how) compile it using
> mxmlc.exe compiler and link(don't know how ) with the android project and
> generate the final output file(we call it apk) and run it.Please suggest me
> which way to go even though my study is still partial but I am at the cross
> roads of confusion.Please suggest me which way to go and how.
> Rgds,
> Saurabh

Ganaraj P R

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