IMHO anonymous functions are way more trouble than they are worth. If I had the time, I would eliminate them from all framework code.
Looks from the stacktrace that someone is using apply() to change the this pointer. On 9/22/11 10:46 AM, "grimmwerks" <> wrote: Not getting an error, just getting ignored and the function is never called. var scope:Object = this; private var echoOrderCacheEvent:Function = function(jstr:String):void{; trace(scope); } I've tried the old pass through - but it's definitely not working properly; the 'this' that's getting called within the function is NOT the function - it's a SubscriptionListener in the stomp framework as that's what's calling the callback through the interface; something another dev has created and just want to come back with enough ammunition that the callbacks aren't being set properly: It seems to me that he's creating another anonymous function as part of the stomp dispatching and then everything is getting lost: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property com.investlab.mix.common.model::scope not found on interbahn.SubscriptionListener and there is no default value. at Function/<anonymous>()[/Users/grimm/Documents/__WORK/__INVESTLAB/MIX/src/com/investlab/mix/common/model/] at interbahn::SubscriptionListener/apply()[C:\transfer\IdeaProjects\as3-interbahn\main\as3\src\interbahn\] at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\transfer\IdeaProjects\as3-interbahn\main\as3\src\interbahn\stomp\] at at at org.codehaus.stomp::Stomp/dispatchFrame()[/Users/grimm/Documents/__WORK/__INVESTLAB/MIX/src/org/codehaus/stomp/] at org.codehaus.stomp::Stomp/processFrame()[/Users/grimm/Documents/__WORK/__INVESTLAB/MIX/src/org/codehaus/stomp/] at org.codehaus.stomp::Stomp/onData()[/Users/grimm/Documents/__WORK/__INVESTLAB/MIX/src/org/codehaus/stomp/] On Sep 22, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Alex Harui wrote: I don’t know why passing in echoEvent wouldn’t work. What error did you get? Another options are to pass in a third parameter as the object for use in call or apply. You can theoretically do this as well in the constructor of the class: Public function MyClassConstructor() { var thisObject:Object = this; echoOrderCacheEvent = function(jstr:String):void{ trace(thisObject); // use ‘thisObject’ instead of ‘this’ } } On 9/22/11 9:50 AM, "grimmwerks" <> wrote: OK I don't mean to make this a bit convoluted - but I guess the basics of the question is regarding using anonymous functions within a member class and being able to set variables within that member class. The convoluted question is this: I've got in my app an Interface class that has pointers to scala/java functions and are passed in callbacks like so: function echoOrderEvent(callback:Function):void ; [UriParams(p1="correlationId")] function echoOrderCacheEvent(callback:Function,extension:Object):void ; &n! bsp; Now in my class I create vars as functions for callbacks like so: private var echoOrderCacheEvent:Function = function(jstr:String):void{"GOT ORDER EVENT "); } I set up the call back to this function as such: interfaceClass.echoOrderCacheEvent(echoOrderCacheEvent, {correlationId: sessionId}); ! ! ; Now, this works great except in the anonymous function I don't have any access to the public or private member vars of the class - only of course if I make the vars static, which is not what I want to do. What I *can't* figure out is how to make the callback a regular member function such as: public function echoEvent(str:String):void{ blah blah } And have that work with the interface class -- as interfaceClass.echoOrderCacheEvent(echoEvent, {correlationId: sessionId}) won't work; what I was thinking was perhaps .call or .apply methods but not sure how best to use them here... Garry Schafer grimmwerks portfolio: <> <> -- Alex Harui Flex SDK Team Adobe System, Inc.