aha I figured it out, the series array is getting mucked up/changed around
by the print specific line chart. You have to duplicate it, see

2011/10/11 John Fletcher

> I followed the advice at
> http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flex/using/WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7c80.html
>  to
> print "using a print-specific output format" in Flex 4.5, however this
> causes the data to disappear from my chart! Try the code below - is this a
> bug or is there a simple solution? One interesting side-effect is that after
> you print and the data disappears from your chart, you can still hover over
> the empty chart and get the dataTips pop up! :-)
> John
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
>         xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
>         xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"
>         width="800"
>         height="600">
>  <fx:Script>
>   <![CDATA[
>    import mx.charts.LineChart;
>    import mx.printing.FlexPrintJob;
>    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
>    [Bindable]
>    public var expensesAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
>     { Month: "Jan", Profit: 2000, Expenses: 1500, Amount: 450 },
>     { Month: "Feb", Profit: 1000, Expenses: 200, Amount: 600 },
>     { Month: "Mar", Profit: 1500, Expenses: 500, Amount: 300 },
>     { Month: "Apr", Profit: 1800, Expenses: 1200, Amount: 900 },
>     { Month: "May", Profit: 2400, Expenses: 575, Amount: 500 } ]);
>    protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
>     var printJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
>     if (printJob.start()) {
>      var lc:LineChart = new LineChart();
>      lc.height = mlc.height;
>      lc.width = mlc.width;
>      lc.dataProvider = mlc.dataProvider;
>      lc.series = mlc.series;
>      lc.seriesFilters = mlc.seriesFilters;
>      lc.horizontalAxis = mlc.horizontalAxis;
>      lc.verticalAxis = mlc.verticalAxis;
>      addElement(lc);
>      printJob.addObject(lc);
>      printJob.send();
>      removeElement(lc);
>     }
>    }
>   ]]>
>  </fx:Script>
> <s:HGroup>
>  <mx:LineChart id="mlc" dataProvider="{expensesAC}" showDataTips="true">
>   <mx:horizontalAxis>
>    <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="Month"/>
>   </mx:horizontalAxis>
>   <mx:series>
>    <mx:LineSeries yField="Profit" form="curve" displayName="Profit"/>
>    <mx:LineSeries yField="Expenses" form="curve" displayName="Expenses"/>
>    <mx:LineSeries yField="Amount" form="curve" displayName="Amount"/>
>   </mx:series>
>  </mx:LineChart>
>  <s:Button label="print" click="button1_clickHandler(event)"/>
> </s:HGroup>
> </s:WindowedApplication>

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