Thanks for the suggestion. But, the TitleWindow is already full and does not 
have space for more textareas. What can I do in this situation?

From: valdhor <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 9:25 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: opening another Window in Flex for commenting on data 
entered in TextArea compon

The way I would do it is to include an extra text area underneath (Or beside) 
each of the current text areas for the reviewer to add comments. These text 
areas would only be visible if a reviewer logged in. Depending on some flags 
that are populated in the database, you could make one or the other 
editable/visible at a time (eg. If a reviewer has already added comments, make 
the comments text area visible but not editable)

--- In, "mike_j95" <mike_j95@...> wrote:
> I have a TitleWindow which has some TextArea components where end users(using 
> the application) will enter data to answer some questions. A reviewer needs 
> to comment on the entered answers. The reviewer comments would be stored in a 
> MySQL database using ColdFusion as the middle tier. Later, the end users 
> would make changes to their answers based on reviewer comments.
> I was thinking of doing it as MS-Word does it for reviewing by having a 
> Add/View button next to each TextArea. On clicking the button, a window would 
> open where the reviewer could enter his comments for the TextArea. But, the 
> issue is when the new window is opened, the answer in TextArea component will 
> not be seen. In MS-Word, a reviewer can view/highlight the data that he wants 
> to comment on, then enter his comments on the comment box.
> 1. How can I implement this so that reviewing answers/data is as 
> intuitive/easy as in a MS-Word document for the reviewer and end-users when 
> they need to make changes based on review comments?
> 2. I am thinking of adding a Add/View comment button next to each TextArea. 
> On clicking it, I open a new window, create a panel with two textareas where 
> first textarea has user's original answer(which would be readonly for the 
> reviewer) copied from the parentWindow's TextArea, second textarea would have 
> reviewer comments(which would be readonly for end user of the application). 
> The reviewer would make comments in second textarea based on the answer(in 
> first textarea) and click a button to save his comments(which would be stored 
> in a MySQL database). The end user would click the Add/View comment button, 
> revise his answer(in first textarea) based on reviewer comments(inn second 
> textarea), click a button which would then update his original answer in the 
> parentWindow with the revised answer.
> 3. If approach described in 2 is advisable, should I open a new Window using 
> PopupManager or is there some other option(like the one at Multiple Windows 
> in Adobe AIR) which might be more suited?
> I am using compiler Flex 4.5 with Flex 3 compatibility mode. I am a beginner 
> to intermediate in Flex
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> P.S. I am talking about the view end user receives when he uses MS-Word to 
> review a document(not how MS-Word implements it). If you have MS-Word 
> installed, you can open it, create a new document in it, type text in it, 
> highlight the text you want to comment about, then choose Review option from 
> the Menu, then select option New comment and you would see a box where you 
> can enter comments. I want to create something like that so a reviewer/end 
> user is more comfortable in using it.


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