The way I read the announcement is that they're pulling back from Flash for the 
web, not Flex or Air.  Flash for the web are flash apps built such that they 
can be included in a web page.  Even though "Flex" is essentially that, it is 
much different from Flash.  Considering AIR is actually a separate package as 
well, I'm guessing they're not going to pull back from either one of those.

Also, as I read it, AIR Mobile was something they were continuing with.  That 
makes sense to me as AIR is not embedded like Flash is - it's a full blown 

--- In, "e_val_soft" <dannyvenier@...> wrote:
> I'd like to understand more about Adobe's latest annnouncement that they will 
> focus on HTML5 on mobile platforms(rather than Flash).
> Obviously a kick in the head for flex/air developers targetting applications 
> that need or want a mobile client because mobile platform manufacturers will 
> drop Flash (in a flash) from their product plans.
> I've seen some mixed messages - Adobe's version which is just a change in 
> focus while the industry reads it like a Flash obituary.  Here are two 
> bullets from Adobe's announcement:
> ------from
> •Shifting resources to support even greater investment in HTML5, through 
> tools like Adobe® Dreamweaver,  Adobe Edge and PhoneGap, recently added 
> through the acquisition of  Nitobi
> •Focusing Flash resources on delivering the most advanced PC web experiences, 
> including gaming and premium video, as well as mobile apps
> ----------------------------------
> I can almost see them sitting around the board room table debating whether to 
> stick that ", as well as mobile apps" on the end of bullet 2 just to leave 
> people like us (Flex developers I mean) confused.  Pretend you're a Samsung 
> or Motorola executive planning the next release of your latest mobile device. 
>  Do we spend $10 million and 40 developers integrating Flash?
> Since the vast majority of new, innovative applications involve incorporation 
> or embracing of mobile clients, Flash's ubiquity, which is/was its greatest 
> selling point, is gone.  I mean when Jobs took a stand to ban Flash from iOS 
> - that was a phaser blast to the holodeck, but this...this is a photon 
> torpedo to the bridge.
> Am I reading this wrong, or should I be starting my new HTML5 career now?  I 
> mean once flash is gone from mobile, it is gone as a general web application 
> framework so forget those desktop focused applications too, except some 
> specialized graphics oriented apps.
> I think of what I'm developing now on Flex and it would be years away from 
> possible with HTML5 but maybe I should be focusing on HTML5 plus one of the 
> better JavaScript frameworks?
> I'm really looking for some opinions here about what flex developers think of 
> the near term future based on this announcement.  It'd be great to hear some 
> Adobe employee perspectives (probably on gag order) but anyone with some 
> insight, please do tell.  I'd love to be told I'm exaggerating the 
> consequence of the announcement....

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