I have an application, that also loads a custom component library as a RSL.
Everything is setup from Flex Builder with the library as a RSL library 
project, and we're using the 'export release build' menu item.

However, when we deploy a new version of the application to live, we always get 
"Flex Error #1001: Digest mismatch with RSL 
http://foo.com/bin/componentLibrary.swf";. I can't reproduce this locally though.

If I clear the FireFox cache (or disable with the Web Developer extension) 
everything starts working.

Watching the requests with FireBug, I can see a '200 OK' request for 
componentLibrary.swf, but this isn't seen by WireShark, or recorded in the 
Apache log. The headers for that request show the wrong last-modified and etag 
headers (compared to what is sent when the cache is off/cleared).

I think Flash is caching the library RSL for much longer than it should (and 
this is why the request is only seen by FireBug). 

Has anyone fixed a similar issue before ?

SDK is 4.1A, the server is Apache on Linux.

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