hello all,

there is one single tree component in my application.
XML is dataprovider of that tree.
<node name="Cars" id="1" isparent="true">
 <node name="Audi" id="2" isparent="true">
  <node name="A4" id="3" isparent="false"/>
  <node name="A6" id="4" isparent="false"/>
 <node name="Mercedes" id="5" isparent="true">
  <node name="M-Class" id="6" isparent="false"/>
  <node name="R-Class" id="7" isparent="false"/>

when i drag one node and drop to another node, how can i know the xml value of 
both source & destination node?
we are Dragging 'R-Class' node to 'Audi' node, on dragComplete OR dragDrop 
event, how to get R-Class node id 7 & Audi node id 2 in different variables.
So we can check some validation of node and perform drag-drop operation.

Any idea?

Steve Roger.

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