Thank you, Rishi! That helps a lot. And I was able to import that fxp file and compile with no problems. It looks like I can continue to push ahead with development and maybe learn a little more about the proper use of Flash Builder in the process.

On 01/31/2012 12:43 AM, Tandon, Rishi wrote:
[Attachment(s) <#TopText> from Tandon, Rishi included below]
Srinivas, don't say other to do WHAT if they are following the basic Netiquette? These are the following reason why you can't give tongue to community member:
1. You are not authorized as I think you are not the admin of the group.
2. I am not getting paid to deliver the solution.
3. This is a free forum and you are free to post solution or your opinion.
4. I love to debug the code and specify the exact solution if I am aware of.

To be more specfic, please refer to the attach IntegratedEncoder.FXP project where I have merged your controller logic into a single MXML file as the basic rule to create a flex application is to have only one Applicatin container as root.

About the Application container
The first tag in an MXML application is either the <s:Application> tag for the Spark application container, or the <mx:Application> tag for an MX application container. The application container then becomes the default container for any content that you add to your application.

In IntegratedEncoder.mxml, the <s:Application> is the root tag, whereas is extending the <mx: Application>.

Rishi Tandon

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