I had something similar once, due to the fact that I thought I was including a certain AS3 file but was , in fact, using SWC code instead.
So perhaps your code isn't coming from the place you think it is.

On 27/03/2012 15:26, Davidson, Jerry wrote:

In debug mode of Flex (4.5) I have a variable that shows up in the variable view, but doesn't exist in the function I'm stepping through. Further, one that does exist doesn't show up.

After the assignment failed (no errors):

*var*exemptFlg:Boolean = *false*;


exemptFlg = inData.inpExemptFlg;

control jumps to the end of the function bypassing all the rest of the code. Originally, this variable was "exempt" and that shows up in the Variables view despite it being changed to exemptFlg. After that change, I cleaned the project, File | Refresh the project and closed Flash then reopened it. The phantom variable still appears and the current one doesn't.


Jerry Davidson

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