Hmm wondering if I can use a Scale effect instead and set it via the slider...

On Mar 28, 2012, at 1:10 PM, grimmwerks wrote:

> Hey all - I have an old player that sort of does the Photoshop navigator / 
> current doc thing -- a smaller example of an image is shown with a larger 
> image, and when the larger image scales UP there's a box that scales down on 
> the navigator image that shows you what part of the zoom you're in.
> I had this working in F3 with mx components and basically having a slider 
> scale a matrix.transform, the navigator getting the inverse of the transform; 
> it was working great.   I've since dropped the mx:Canvas scale I was doing 
> for a spark Group (thinking it's going to migrate to an iPad app in the 
> future) -- and now images aren't scaling correctly.  Originally if an image 
> was loaded in that wasn't the exact height/width, the image would be 
> letterboxed with the largest direction being pinned to the sides.  When I 
> letterbox the image and try to scale the group holding it in the spark 
> version it doesn't work properly.  When the scaling works , the image isn't 
> letterboxed and so the navigator and zoomed in image don't appear the same.
> Here's the Flex 3 version (partial):
> <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" id="bigBox">
>               <mx:Canvas id="big" width="100%" height="100%" >
>                       <mx:Image x="0" y="0" id="bigImage" width="100%" 
> height="100%"  scaleContent="true" horizontalAlign="center" />
>               </mx:Canvas>
>               <mx:Button right="10" bottom="19" styleName="creativityLogo"/>
>       </mx:Canvas>
> and the function for it:
> public function zoomChange(e:SliderEvent):void {
>                               currentScale = 
> Number(Number(e.value).toFixed(2));
>                               var scaleBig:Matrix = new Matrix();
>                               scaleBig.scale(e.value, e.value);
> var scaleSmall:Matrix = scaleBig.clone();
>                               scaleSmall.invert();
>                               big.transform.matrix = scaleBig;
>                               box.transform.matrix = scaleSmall;
>                               borderBox.transform.matrix= 
> box.transform.matrix.clone();
>                               if(e.value>1){box.mouseEnabled; 
> box.buttonMode=true};
>                       }
> and for the Flex 4.6 version:
> <s:SkinnableContainer width="100%" height="100%">
>       <s:Group id="imgLargeGroup" width="100%" height="100%"
>                        left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0"  
> resizeMode="scale"  >
>               <s:Image id="imgLarge" width="100%" height="100%" 
> scaleMode="letterbox"
>                                smoothingQuality="high"
>                                horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"
>                                verticalAlign="middle"
>                                top="0" left="0" right="0" bottom="0" />
>       </s:Group>
>       </s:SkinnableContainer>
> and the function for it:
> public function reactToZoomSlider$Change(ev:Event):void{
>                       var sliderVal:Number = view.zoomSlider.value;
>                       maskOutline.visible = (sliderVal > 1);
>                       currentScale = Number(Number(sliderVal).toFixed(2));
>                       var scaleBig:Matrix = new Matrix();
>                       scaleBig.scale(sliderVal, sliderVal);
>                       var scaleSmall:Matrix = scaleBig.clone();
>                       scaleSmall.invert();
>                       //large.content.matrix = scaleBig;
>                       //large.transform.matrix = scaleBig;
>                       view.imgLargeGroup.transform.matrix = scaleBig;
>                       trace(view.imgLargeGroup.transform.matrix);
>                       mask.transform.matrix = maskOutline.transform.matrix = 
> scaleSmall;
>                       //large.scaleX = view.zoomSlider.value; large.scaleY = 
> view.zoomSlider.value;
>               }
> Garry Schafer
> grimmwerks
> portfolio:

Garry Schafer

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