Print the target as well.  The target is likely changing and thus, the 
coordinates local to that target.

On 6/28/12 10:11 AM, "Jake Churchill" <> wrote:

Guys and Gals,

I'm working on a charting app where we draw things over the chart (trend lines 
and stuff).  The problem I'm running into is the mouse events are not 
consistent.  For example, I'll be drawing and the mouse events come through 
with their Y position jumping up to the top, then back where it should be.  In 
the example below, local is localX, localY and stage is stageX, stageY.  In 
this example, I was dragging from somewhere in the middle basically straight 
down (a little to the left).  Notice the Y values freak out and go way up to 
the top, then come back to where you'd expect them.  This is following a mouse 
move event.  Any clue what might be causing this?

Traced Mouse Positions:

MouseEvent (local):  (350,213)
MouseEvent (stage):  (350,293)

MouseEvent (local):  (350,215)
MouseEvent (stage):  (350,295)

MouseEvent (local):  (349,4)
MouseEvent (stage):  (349,84)

MouseEvent (local):  (346,15)
MouseEvent (stage):  (346,95)

MouseEvent (local):  (346,228)
MouseEvent (stage):  (346,308)

MouseEvent (local):  (344,18)
MouseEvent (stage):  (344,98)

MouseEvent (local):  (344,234)
MouseEvent (stage):  (344,314)

MouseEvent (local):  (343,235)
MouseEvent (stage):  (343,315)

MouseEvent (local):  (343,236)
MouseEvent (stage):  (343,316)

MouseEvent (local):  (342,241)
MouseEvent (stage):  (342,321)

MouseEvent (local):  (341,32)
MouseEvent (stage):  (341,112)

MouseEvent (local):  (341,248)
MouseEvent (stage):  (341,328)

MouseEvent (local):  (339,259)
MouseEvent (stage):  (339,339)

MouseEvent (local):  (338,261)
MouseEvent (stage):  (338,341)



Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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