I honestly honestly don't get why I'm having problems positioning this thing;  
I can set the alpha but can NEVER set the position -- in this example I'm 
trying to set it to 0,0 (and then moving it to -100,-100) just to see SOMETHING 
happen - but it never does:

Just so you understand as well - I created my own event so that I could get a 
proper bubble up from an itemrenderer in a list - (ie a slideshow thumbnail).  
I want to pop over a larger image of this slideshow (hence the class 
SlidePreviewPopup) - and am passing the original toolTipEvent along.

var spp:SlidePreviewPopup = new SlidePreviewPopup();
                        spp.image.source = event.item.thumbnail;
                        var pt:Point  = new 
Point(event.toolTipEvent.currentTarget.x, event.toolTipEvent.currentTarget.y);
                        var npt:Point = 
spp.x = 0; spp.y= 0;
                        spp.alpha = .5;
                        event.toolTipEvent.toolTip = spp;
                        trace(spp.x + ' ' + spp.y);
                        trace(spp.x + ' '+ spp.y);

I'm starting to think that perhaps I *should* do a popup rather t han a 
tooltip...wondering if that will be able to be positioned - but why can't I, 
for the sake of argument GET this  **** tooltip to position?  (got a profanity 

Garry Schafer
portfolio: www.grimmwerks.com/

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