Show Details FROM:Balinder Ahuja   Message 
flagged Friday, August 10, 2012 9:58 AM Hi all,
I'm trying to implement copy support/ selecting the text from flex application 
and copy it on notepad or MS word etc.
I know we can set set selectable = "true" and it allow us to copy the text
<mx:Label selectable="true" text="search terms:" />
or we can use this <mx:htmlText>
    <mx:TextArea id="myTA" height="100" width="200">
                <![CDATA[<a href="> is a 
I want it to set across the application and we have few applications based on 
flex and it will be very time consuming and not efficient to apply it to each 
and every tag.
Note: We are not developing any application from scratch, I've to apply it to 
existing application.
If you have some solution or example, that will be very helpful for me.


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