
I have implemented data services using lcds. I have also implemented 
MessagingEvent to detect new messages from 
other parties. I have found data services detect any disconnected and 
reconnected event automatically but sometimes 
the data services didn't received new messages and give the wrong information 
to the client.

Then, I've trying to implement PropertyChangeEvent to detect if "connected" and 
"subscribed" property has changed.
But after further investigation. I had found that sometimes property 
connected/subscribed detect wrong status (fake status) 
when I disable my network interfaces then re-enable network interfaces with 
short interval. Sometimes the 
subscribed/connected property become "true" but the actual of the network is 
down and vice versa the subscribed/connected 
property become "false" but the actual of the network is up (Cross Condition). 

As long as the connected/subscribed property true and network is up, data 
services will received new messages until cross
condition occured. How could I truly detect disconnected RTMP from flex client? 

I'm using Flex 4.1 and lcds31.

Thank you.


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