I am doing the profiling of our flex application. For this I am taking the help 
of flashbuilder profiler tool.
Right now I am focusing on reducing the build time of the application. The 
application is compiled into a single swf file, since modules are not used in 
the application. Keeping that in view, my task is to reduce the build time of 
the application. So far I have found that one way to reduce the build time is 
to separate the assets into a separate swc. Link that swc as RSL and build the 
project. Does this affect the performance of the application?
What are the other ways to reduce the build time of the application?

I have one more question. In our project we are using embedded images for the 
buttons. One is the default image and one image for mouse down. So 2 images for 
each button. This increases the no. of images in the assets folder. I tried to 
use a custom skin for all the buttons. This reduces the no. of assets but when 
I run the flashbuilder profiler it shows no. of objects for the skinclass used. 
So if we have say 50 buttons in the application, 50 objects of skinclass will 
be created. Is this the correct way or I am missing something ?


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