An object that is declared static goes on the class object instead of on the instance object.  In general there is only one copy of the class object in memory so a variable declared there will save you some space.  So if you are talking about things like constants a static variable is a good thing to use.  A function on the other hand generally does not take so much memory that you get a lot of benefit out of it being static.  So if the function is truly a utility, fine, make it static, but don’t try to go optimizing code by changing functions on a class into statics, you won’t see much benefit.




From: [] On Behalf Of Pradeep Chaudhary
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 1:35 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Doubts about static keyword


Can anybody please explain me how the static keyword works in Flex. As
per my understanding staic variable or a method is created in memory
just once and is shared after that.
If i create a static method in a Actionscript class, is it actually
created just once in memory?.
Is it similar to _javascript_ functions which are created on loading of the page?

Does having static methods really save memory usage.

Thanks in advance.


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