Title: Flex running on JBoss 4.03

You haven’t defined any objects in the named section, they’re all commented out.  At least one is needed, otherwise the <named> section has to be commented out I think.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Michel Bertrand
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 3:12 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex running on JBoss 4.03


Hi !

I'm trying to run Flex in JBoss 4.0.3 and I'm having the following error:

11:01:39,768 ERROR [[/TestUI]] Exception starting filter FlexCacheFilter
javax.servlet.ServletException: Invalid configuration at line 419 in file D:\jboss-4.0.3\server\default\tmp\deploy\tmp26912TestUI-exp.war\WEB-INF\flex\flex-config.xml - cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'named' is not complete. One of '{"http://www.macromedia.com/2003/flex-config":object}' is expected.

Here is the flex-config on 419:

                <!-- define a remote objects which may be referenced by name from mxml -->
                <!-- <object name="myobj"> -->
                    <!-- Flex uses this name to access the object -->
                    <!-- <source>remote.DatatypesTest</source> -->

                    <!-- the type of the source being accessed - e.g. stateful-class or stateless-class -->
                    <!-- <type>stateless-class</type> -->

                    <!-- instructs the gateway to only allow authenticated users to invoke this service
                         this is required when using normal J2EE Basic authentication -->
                    <!-- <use-basic-authentication>true</use-basic-authentication> -->

                    <!-- informs the gateway that is should attempt to use its own custom authentication mechansim
                         as configured in the login-command section of gateway-config.xml -->
                    <!-- <use-custom-authentication>true</use-custom-authentication> -->

                    <!-- Adds the service's source to the unnamed whitelist.  If false, these can never be used as unnamed sources -->

                    <!-- This will be forced to false if this named object requires authentication -->
                    <!-- <allow-unnamed-access>true</allow-unnamed-access> -->

                    <!-- custom authorization roles can be specified when using custom authentication -->
                <!-- </object> -->

I have no remote-objects registered. The same application works on JBoss 4.0.1 SP1 without any error.

Any ideia ?

Thanks in advance !
Michel Bertrand | Desenvolvimento | DATASUL Tecnologia
Acesse www.datasuldirect.com.br e conheça mais sobre os produtos e soluções de tecnologia

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