That seems pretty odd.  Are you sure that nothing is getting escaped accidentally, like the <> turning into &lt; &gt; deeper in?


From: [] On Behalf Of varalakshmi_palani
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 11:32 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Dyanamic MXML Loading



I have a requirement to dynamically load mxml at runtime.

We use a custom tool to generate MXML code for various screens. The
MXML sources thus generated are stored as an XML Objects
in the database associated with a screen ID.

For. eg.

Screen Code | MXML source stored as XML object
      S001 | (XML Object) MXML source code for Screen 1
      S002 | (XML Object) MXML source code for Screen 2

The screens will be accessed calling a common servlet and passing
the screen ID to it.

The servlet is responsible for     
a) fetching the XML object corresponding to the screen id from the
b) dispatching the request to a JSP with the XML String thus fetched.

The called JSP should render the XML String using Flex Tag Libs as
shown below,

      <%@ taglib uri="FlexTagLib" prefix="mm" %>
          String mxmlString=request.getParameter
("mxml"); // "mxml" is the name of the attribute that holds the XML

The problem we are facing is that the MXML does not get rendered
properly. Supposing the MXML source is as shown below,
<mx:Application mlns:mx=''>
      <mx:Panel height='600' width='600' title='test' id='Panel1'>
            <mx:TextInput id='TextInput2' />
            <mx:DataGrid id='DataGrid3' />
      <mx:TextInput id='TextInput3' />

The MXML embedded in the JSP only displays the direct children of
the Application. In the above examples, the Panel1 and TextInput3
are displayed while TextInput2 and DataGrid3 are node displayed.
(Please note that the mxmlString contains the source code correctly).

It will a great help if you can give any suggestion/solution to this
problem. Please let me know if there is any alternate way to
dynamically display mxml.

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