OT sorry - On Agile Development ...
Interesting article in IT Week (a UK computer industry weekly) that mentions how .Net teams at Microsoft are beginning to use Agile techniques and SCRUM to help them address the complaint that Microsoft software releases are too far apart - they hope to get down to 12-18 month cycles. The article mentions daily team meetings with pairs of programmers detailed to complete small defined 'problems'.
Not sure how big their teams are ....

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steven Webster
Sent: 28 November 2005 16:42
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Is Flex Mature ?

There's not really a whole lot I can add to your post.  But to address a couple of your points:
> characteristics.  I was curious if those projects have resulted in
> production (released) software, and if the companies could be publicly
> cited? 
The very nature of projects of this size, is such that their release schedules are not in the days or weeks ahead.  Or in the past.  So I'm afraid, I can't cite client names, or describe their projects in any degree of detail.  I'd love to - and perhaps these companies will step forth on the list and discuss their own implementations; but I don't necessarily expect them to.
My apologies.

> I¹m very conflicted by your positioning in this response, and that¹s why I¹m
> asking you if you can remove the veil on these clients you reference.  The
> terms ³agile practices² and 30+ developers are paradoxical, wouldn¹t you
> agree? 
Agile, by definition, is about developing software in short
> iterations of 1 to 4 weeks.  9 women can¹t have a baby in 1 month, no matter
> what they try.  Likewise, I can¹t imagine the project management nightmare
> of having 30 developers crank out iterations in 1 to 4 weeks. 
I didn't say that 30 developers were all working on the same iteration of development.  Careful application architecture, a well-defined framework for development, good coding standards, collective ownership, a strong emphasis on unit-testing and continuous integration, all enable the modularisation of a project of this size into a number of almost concurrent mini-projects, each of which can be delivered by "agile teams".
In a specific project we're engaged with right now, the developers within the organisation are all engaged in parallel iterations of development, on different modules of the same overall application.
Each teams' iterations are aligned, each team continously integrates into the same code-base, yet the average team size working on any given iteration is within the magic numbers that you rightly specify - 4-6 people.  I've personally worked on agile teams as big as 10 developers, with 4-week iterations, and would agree that this is getting to as big a team-size as you'd be comfortable with.
> Agile
> development promotes face to face communication over written documents.
> That must be one helluva meeting room to have 30 developers ~LOL~.
There is a pragmatic approach here; each team (working on their own iteration) has a morning standup meeting with their 4-6 developers.  Meanwhile, a representative of each team engages in a company-wide standup meeting with the business stakeholders.  This ensures the necessary granularity of team-wide discussion while ensuring that teams are aware of project-level issues and opportunities.
This allows the agile approach to scale.
And just to be clear; I'm not suggesting ever that agile development is the only way to deliver these projects.  Other teams have their own methodologies, based on their own experiences, and they'll work for them.  But agile works for us.
> Agile
> development contends that customers and engineers work together in a single
> workspace, some refer to it as the ³bullpen² though we always preferred the
> term Bat Cave!  30 engineers plus customers in one space doing 1 to 4 week
> iterations?  Perhaps these folks are doing pair programming (!) so there are
> really only 15 engineers on the project ~LOL~.
The approach to pair-progamming is also pragmatic, on a story by story basis.  And yes, there is a customer on-site to whom the development team have permanent access.
> I¹m not looking to pick a fight with this post, but merely inquiring about
> the feasibility for you and your team to publish white papers that back
> these positions up.
When I propose whitepapers, I'm proposing technical whitepapers around unit-testing, continuous integration, architecture of large Flex applications, etc.
There are other books/whitepapers that cover agile development in large teams; it's not high on my priority, nor do I feel particularly compelled, to "back the position up". 
With regards to the remainder of your email, casting doubt on the existence of the projects that I'm mentioning here, I'm afraid there's little more response I'm prepared to enter into here.  I'm not presenting my findings to a journal without citation here, I'm merely sharing anecdotal experience in a mailing list. 
I'll share as much experience as I can from real-world engagements, but individuals will have to choose either to accept that client confidentiality will always be a factor in ongoing developments, or choose to discard the discussion until the projects are live (which may be several months in many instances).   It's also worth noting that many of the projects on which we are engaged (as I'm sure has been your experience) will never be client-facing, but will deliver internally.  We're building applications, not websites.
I'd hope that having the discussion now without citation, has value for the majority, who would rather have some discussion than none at all.
Best wishes,
Steven Webster
Practice Director (Rich Internet Applications)
Macromedia Consulting EMEA
Office: + 44 (0) 131 338 6108
Mobile: +44 (0) 7917 428 947   

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