> I think dg1.sortItems(sortByAge, "asc") should have worked (or "desc"),

should work... but doesn't. And changing to "asc" and "desc" instead
of Array.ASCENDING/DESCENDING dosen't really change matters.

To simplify, sorting the array before presenting it to the datagrid
doesn't seem to work. Nor does sorting the datagrid. 

The sort function does in fact work, because when you click the column
header for the age column, it does sort properly, as it only could
using that function. 

I have tried making a special version of the sort function that
doesn't have the 3 param signature that sortItems takes, but has only
2 (as Array.sort takes), but that doesn't help either.

So the real question is what is the best practice for initializing the
sort order of a data grid? Can anyone post a working example?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Matt Chotin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think dg1.sortItems(sortByAge, "asc") should have worked (or "desc"),
> not Array.ASCENDING and Array.DESCENDING because being consistent with
> array options would have been too obvious ;-)
> Haven't tried it though.  This will be easier in Flex 2 because sorting
> will be done through Sort objects and SortFields which the DG will
> recognize.
> Matt
> ________________________________
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Clifford Hall
> Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 10:42 AM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] Custom initial sort on datagrid
> Hello all, 
> I'm trying to get a datagrid to use a custom sortCompareFunction for its
> initial sort order.
> The custom sortCompareFunction works when you click the column header,
> however attempts to sort the dataprovider before it is assigned or the
> grid itself after the dataprovider is assigned all fail. The
> sortCompareFunction has been written so that it can sort either be
> passed objects as it would on an Array.sort (from which it will retrieve
> the string for comparison), or strings which the table will pass when
> the header is clicked.
> I have reproduced the various attempts to get it to work in a small mxml
> file included below. There are plenty of comments that show the various
> places that we may try to effect the sort. If you run this mxml, you'll
> see the table, and if you click the 'Age' column header, you'll see the
> sort work. 
> If you are able to shed light on the error of my ways here and make this
> sort happen, I myself, my children and my chil! dren's children shall
> speak your name in the most reverant tones for generations to come,
> perhaps performing a little bedside ritual each night, ordering our
> pocket change from large to small around the base of the lamp before
> sleeping as a way of meditating upon the momentous occasion when The
> Answer was posted and the Great Difficulty passed.
> Thanks, 
> -=Cliff>
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <!-- Attempt to order the rows of a DataGrid by a column which requires
> a special sortCompareFunction -->
> <!-- This demo shows that the column (Age) sorts properly when the
> column header is clicked, -->
> <!-- but attempts to sort the dataprovider or the grid automatically at
> startup all fail -->
> <!-- Try assigning the dataprovider via binding, and tying a sort at
> creationComplete -->
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml";
> creationComp! lete="sortAtCreationComplete()">
> <!-- Try assigni! ng the d ataprovider manually at startup, giving the
> opportunity to force a sort -->
> <!-- mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml";
> creationComplete="manuallyAssignDP()" -->
>     <mx:Script>
>     <![CDATA[
>         import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
>         import mx.utils.Delegate;
>         // sort order lookup hash
>         public var sortOrder:Array;
>         public function sortAtCreationComplete()
>         {
>             // populate the sort order lookup hash
>             sortOrder=getSortOrder();
>         &nb! sp;   // try to sort the datagrid
>             // dg1.sortItems(sortByAge,Array.ASCENDING)    
>             // try to sort the datagrid's dataprovider
>             dg1.dataProvider.sortItems(sortByAge, Array.ASCENDING)    
>         }
>         public function manuallyAssignDP()
>         {
>             // populate the sort order lookup hash
>             sortOrder=getSortOrder();
>             var da:Array = filterData();
>   &nb! sp;         // try sorting the d! ataprovi der before assigning
>             // should work but doesn't
>             // da.sortItems( sortByAge, Array.DESCENDING ); 
>             dg1.dataProvider = da;
>             // try sorting the grid        
>             // should work but doesn't
>             // dg1.sortItems( sortByAge, Array.DESCENDING ); 
>             // ok, grasping at straws, here, 
>             // try passing the sort function via delegate doesn't work
>  &nb! sp;          // var d = new Delegate.create(this, sortByAge);
>             // dg1.sortItems( d, Array.DESCENDING ); // should 
>             // would be lovely if we could do this, 
>             // since the age column has a sortCompareFunction,
>             // but alas, it never gets called, and the field
>             // is string sorted
>             // dg1.sortItemsBy('age', Array.DESCENDING);
>         }
>      !    public function filterData():Array  &nb! sp; 
>         {
>             var dp:Array = new Array;
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'abcd',     bye:'goodbye',     age:'young'}
> );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'efgh',     bye:'zoob',     age:'younger
> still'} );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'ijkl',     bye:'wappa',     age:'old'} );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'mnop',     bye:'grrm',     age:'older'} );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'qrst',     bye:'fluu',     age:'young'} );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'uvwx',     ! bye:'norb',     age:'middle
> aged'} );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'yyzz',     bye:'tepid',     age:'older
> yet'} );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'AbCd',     bye:'wrrr',     age:'young'} );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'eFgH',     bye:'grum',     age:'middle
> aged'} );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'IjKl',     bye:'quixital', age:'young'} );
>             dp.addItem( {hi:'mNoP',     bye:'snorg',     age:'younger'}
> );
>             // try sorting the dataprovider here
>      !        // none of these work, though ! they sho uld
>             //
>             // dp.sort(sortByAge);
>             // dp.sortItems(sortByAge);
>             // dp.sortItems(sortByAge, Array.DESCENDING);
>             return dp;
>         }            
>         private function getSortOrder():Array
>         {
>             var so:Array = new Array();
>             so['younger still']         = 0;
>   !           so['younger']                 = 1;
>             so['young']                 = 2;
>             so['middle aged']             = 3;
>             so['old']                     = 4;
>             so['older']                 = 5;
>             so['older yet']             = 6;
>             return so;&! nbsp;       
>     &n! bsp;&nbs p;  }
>         public function sortByAge( obj1
> <http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/11.gif> bject, obj2
> <http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/11.gif> bject,
> colIndex:Number ):Number
>         {
>             // depending on whether the method is being called as the 
>             // sortCompareFunction of a datagrid column, or as a call
> from
>             // sortItems on the table or array, it may be passed strings
> to
>             // compare, or objects from which we get the string,
> respectively
>             var o1:String;
>  &nb! sp;          var o2:String;
>             if (obj1.age != undefined) { 
>                 o1 = obj1.age;
>                 o2 = obj2.age;
>             } else {
>                 o1 = String(obj1);
>                 o2 = String(obj2);
>             }
>             if ( sortOrder[ o1 ] == sortOrder[ o2 ] ) return 0;
>             if ( sortOrder[ o1 ] > sortOrder[ o2 ] ) return -1;
>      &nbs! p;      if ( sortOrder[ o1 ] < sortOrde! r[ o2 ] ) return 1;
>             return 0;        
>         }
>     ]]>
>     </mx:Script>
>     <!-- Try assigning the dataprovider via binding, and tying a sort at
> creationComplete -->
>     <mx <http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/04.gif>
> ataGrid id="dg1" height="250" width="100%" sortableColumns="true"
> dataProvider="{filterData()}" >
>     <!-- Try assigning the dataprovider manually at startup, giving the
> opportunity to force a sort -->
>     <!-- mx <http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/04.gif>
> ataGrid id="dg1" height="250" width="100%" sortableColumns="true"  -->
>     <!-- also tried! setting sortIndex and SortDirection on the grid -->
>     <!-- this placed the down arrow on the age column, but never helps
> the data get sorted -->
>     <!-- sortIndex="0" sortDirection="Array.DESCENDING" -->
>         <mx:columns>
>             <mx:Array> 
>                 <mx
> <http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/04.gif>
> ataGridColumn columnName="age" sortable="true"
> sortCompareFunction="sortByAge"/>
>                 <mx
> <http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/04.gif>
> ataGridColumn columnName="hi"  sortable="true"/>
>       &nb! sp;         <mxataGridColumn columnName="bye"
> sortable="true"/>                
>             </mx:Array>
>         </mx:columns>            
>     </mx <http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/04.gif>
> ataGrid>
> </mx:Application>
> --
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