From reading your subject line, did you mean the opposite of what you said below? That is, did you mean:
when I open it using http://bla-bla/index.mxml remoting works fine in IE,
but when I do it using https://bla-bla/index.mxml it loads nothing no request come to the amf gateway
RemoteObject uses NetConnection over HTTP (or HTTPS) so it's just like a normal POST request. This means it is subject to the same restrictions as any other connection made from Flash Player 7 (or later). This also means it is subject to the SSL caching problems with MSIE irrespective of how your SWF was loaded. I imagine you're hitting one of these two problems. states:
"Macromedia Flash movies served over HTTP (or other insecure protocols) are no longer allowed to access movies or data served over HTTPS." and "HTTPS restriction is asymmetrical; movies served over HTTPS can access other documents served over insecure protocols." and "If the HTTPS restriction affects your movie—that is, a non-HTTPS server serves the movie, but the movie downloads data from an HTTPS server—add the secure="false" attribute to your <allow-access-from> tag, as in the following example:
<allow-access-from domain="" secure="false" />"
If you do have your crossdomain.xml file setup correct as stated above, then it's likely you'll need to debug the HTTPS header traffic to see whether the offending headers are being sent to the MSIE client in the response. Note that in order to debug HTTPS traffic you'll need a client side proxy, such as Paros Proxy, to intercept and debug the otherwise encrypted traffic. You then will have to determine which application on the server is adding the offending headers and devise a way to stop them from being added as it's unlikely you're going to be able to get each client to change their registry to stop the bug in MSIE.

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mykola Paliyenko
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 5:24 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Remoting over HTTPS fails in IE 6.0

Hi guys

I have a following problem
I have a page index.mxml that need to be able to pass data to the server via HTTPS
when I open it using https://bla-bla/index.mxml remoting works fine in IE,
but when I do it using http://bla-bla/index.mxml it loads nothing no request come to the amf gateway.
In Firefox everything works fine (I have setup crossdomain.xml properly)

I've read lots of hints about caching problem in IE but seems that I faced another problem.

The problem is that I do not want to overload server and download swfs to the user via HTTPS,
I just want to be able to transfer some data via secure channel
I'm using player 8.0 in IE 6.0, Flex 1.5.

Any ideas about what could it be?
WBR, Mykola

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