
Does anyone have a clue what causes this error or is there any output anywhere? It occurs always when I try to compile a simple mxml file with mxmlc.


The error is: “Failed to compile testApp.mxml” and that’s all. Not much help there?


I *think* my params are correct for mxmlc but who knows, since I never got it to compile anything, I just get that error…


I’m using jdk1.5.0_06


This is the command:


java -jar "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flex15\lib\mxmlc.jar"

-flexlib "C:/Program Files/Macromedia/Flex15/lib"

-configuration C:/INPUT/resources/WEB-INF/flex/flex-config.xml

-webroot C:/INPUT/resources

-o c:/OUTPUT/testApp.swf





The scenario is that I have C:\INPUT folder that has following structure

--resources [folder]

-----testApp.mxml [file]

----WEB-INF {folder]

-----…all the flex stuff….[files & folders, ie flex folder etc.]



Any help is appreciated!



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