Can you share with us the code behind the get/set methods of workflowState ? Also have you added some trace output to see if it really isn't being called.
Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of antonin34
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 9:32 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Saving modelLocator variable in sharedObject?



We are currently developing a Flex prototype using the cairngorm framework.

To manage the different pages of our application, we use a viewStack whose index is managed via a binding on a “getMainView” function :


<mx:ViewStack xmlns:mx=http://macromedia.com/2003/mxml xmlns:view=”com.protoflex.view.*” selectedChild=”{applicationViewHelper.getMainView( ProtoFlexModelLocator.workflowState);}” >



This function use a model locator variable (ProtoFlexModelLocator.workflowState) to return the right view to the viewStack.

Everything goes well until..

Here is my problem : I’m trying to save the workflowState to a SharedObject so the user will come back to the currently visited page if he quit and come back later.

To do so, i have made a public function get workflowState() and a public function set workflowState() so everytime the workflowState is changed, i stock it in a SharedObject. But now, it seems that the ViewStack is no more working, as if the getMainView function doesn’t trigger when the workflowState change.


Can you help me on this, or give me some clue on how to save a client context of a flex application?


Thanks a lot,





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