Hello Flex coders, I have a real simple question, which has been plaguing me all day.  It might because I feel kind of dense today, but for some reason, if I create an AS class file in the same directory, I cannot reference it!! 



There is a subdirectory called ‘components’


So when I create a class “MyLabel.as”:


Public components.MyLabelextends..etc



In another file in the same directory, I try to reference it, and it says “Don’t know how to parse *.MyLabel, it’s not a known component of HBox


I’ve read up on the documentation on the subject and it seems like I’m doing everything, what am I missing?


First I’ve tried <MyLabel xmlns=”*” text=…/>  , and got that error messge

Then I tried importing that namespace in the component that I’m trying to use MyLabel:  xmlns:cmp=”*”, and then tried referencing the class via <cmp:MyLabel…, and still get tha error message.


What am I doing wrong?  I’m sure its something simple.  I remember doing this before, but I have not worked with Flex in about 7 months, and only had attended the training course before that, so my Flex coding is going to need some major brushing up.


Thanks everyone



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