Maybe I missed it in there, but where's the handler for the save
action?  quAdminEditList(String, String, ...)


--- In, "Jeremy Rottman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I currently have my beta app up and running. However I have ran into a
> rather odd problem.
> Right now I have a simple search that allows people to search on file
> numbers. This works perfectly. When someone searches thier resuslts
> are display below the input in a datagrid. When you click on the
> selected record, it changes the state from the file search state to
> the file edit state. Again this works. During the changing of the
> states, a var called fileNum is passed into the edit file state. This
> is used to populate the edit file inputs. AGain this also works. After
> all the edits are done to the file in question, you can click save and
> it will save all the data. Again this also works.
> Now this is where things get weird. Once you click save, and your data
> is saved, It changes the state back to the iniital state. When I go
> back to search for a new file in my edit screen, my original search is
> still in the datagrid. This is ok for now. I can search and the
> results will be display below. When I click on the record I want to
> edit, it takes me back to the edit file state. Instead of updating the
> data with the new data of the record I selected, it still displays the
> data from my origianl search. So if I stated my testing by search for
> the file L061234, and view that data in the edit file screen. Then I
> search again, and I select the record L061235. The data for L061234 is
> still being displayed.
> Can someone help me with this, It is driving me nuts. I have included
> code below.
> FileSearch.mxml--
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""; xmlns="*"
> width="100%" initialize="qpListSearch(search)" height="100%">
> <mx:WebService id="srv" useProxy="false"
> wsdl="";
> showBusyCursor="true" />
>       <mx:Panel x="0" panelAlpha="1.0" height="100%" width="100%" y="3"
> title="View Transaction: Search">
>       <mx:Script>
>               <![CDATA[
>               function qpListSearch(search){
>                       srv.qpListSearch(search);}      
>               public function ListState(FLD_FILENUM)
>                { 
>                 parentApplication.currentState = 'etel'; 
>                 parentApplication.etel.fileNum =
> FSDG.selectedItem.FLD_FILENUM;
>                 search.text = ''
>                }
>               ]]>
>       </mx:Script>
>               <mx:Canvas height="100%" width="100%">
>                       <mx:TextInput x="6" y="22" id="search"/>
>                       <mx:Button x="184" y="22" 
> click="qpListSearch(search.text)"
> label="Button"/>
>                       <mx:DataGrid x="6" id="FSDG"
> click="ListState(FSDG.selectedItem.FLD_FILENUM)"
> dataProvider="{srv.qpListSearch.result}" y="71" width="100%"
>                               <mx:columns>
>                                       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="File 
> Number"
> columnName="FLD_FILENUM"/>
>                                       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Address" 
> columnName="FLD_PROPNUM"/>
>                               </mx:columns>
>                       </mx:DataGrid>
>               </mx:Canvas>
>       </mx:Panel>
> </mx:Canvas>
> adminEditList.mxml-- 
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%"
> xmlns:mx=""; xmlns="*">
> <mx:WebService id="srv" useProxy="false"
> wsdl="";
> showBusyCursor="true" />
>       <mx:Script source="as/" />
>       <mx:Script>
>               <![CDATA[
>                       var fileNum = '';
>                       ]]>
>       </mx:Script>
>       <mx:Panel x="0" title="New Transaction: Create Listing -
>" panelAlpha="1.0" y="0"
> height="100%" width="100%">
>               <mx:Canvas height="100%"  width="100%">
>                       <mx:TabNavigator x="0" width="100%" alpha="1.0" 
> height="100%" y="10">
>                               <mx:Canvas label="Property Information" 
> width="100%"
> height="100%">                                        
>                                       <mx:Label x="15" y="18" text="Address 
> Details:" fontSize="15"
> fontFamily="Verdana" fontWeight="bold"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="12" y="164" text="Closing 
> Information:"
> fontSize="15" fontFamily="Verdana" fontWeight="bold"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="15" y="47" text="Street 
> Number"/>                                  
>                                       <mx:Label x="194" y="47" 
> text="Direction Prefix"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="313" y="47" text="Street 
> Name or P.O Box"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="593" y="47" text="Street 
> Designator"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="713" y="47" 
> text="Direction Suffix"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="15" y="115" text="Unit 
> Type" height="20"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="134" y="115" text="Unit 
> Number"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="313" y="115" text="City"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="490" y="115" text="State"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="669" y="115" text="Zip"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="15" y="200" text="List 
> Price"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="194" y="200" text="MLS 
> Number"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="373" y="200" 
> text="Commision Formula"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="15" y="261" text="Listing 
> Date"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="132" y="261" text="Listing 
> Expiry"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="249" y="261" text="Days on 
> Market"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="120" y="282"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="552" y="200" text="File 
> Number"/>  
>                                       <!-- 
> ************************************************
>                                       UI Components Property Information
> ************************************************
>                                       -->                                     
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="15" y="60"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_propNum}" id="fld_propNum"/>
>                                       <mx:ComboBox x="194" y="60" 
> dataProvider="{dirPrefix}"
> id="fld_propDir"></mx:ComboBox>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="313" y="60" width="261"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_propStreet}"
>                                       <mx:ComboBox x="593" y="60" 
> dataProvider="{streetDesig}"
> id="fld_propStreetDesignator"></mx:ComboBox>
>                                       <mx:ComboBox x="713" y="60" 
> dataProvider="{dirSuffix}"
> id="fld_propDirSuffix"></mx:ComboBox>
>                                       <mx:ComboBox x="15" y="130" 
> dataProvider="{unitType}"
> id="fld_propUnitType" ></mx:ComboBox>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="134" y="130"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_propUnitNum}"
> id="fld_propUnitNum"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="313" y="130"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_propCity}" id="fld_propCity"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="490" y="130"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_propState}" id="fld_propState"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="669" y="130"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_propZip}" id="fld_propZip"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="15" y="214"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_propPrice}" id="fld_propPrice"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="194" y="214"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_mlsNum}" id="fld_mlsNum"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="373" y="214" 
> id="fld_commId"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="552" y="214" 
> id="fld_fileNum"/>                                        
>                                       <mx:DateField x="15"  y="275" 
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_propListDate}"
> id="fld_propListDate"/>
>                                       <mx:DateField x="132" y="275" 
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_propListExpDate}"
> id="fld_propListExpDate"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="249" id="DayOnMarket" 
> y="275"/>
>                               </mx:Canvas>
>                               <mx:Canvas label="Party Information" 
> width="100%" height="100%">
>                                       <mx:Label x="15" y="18" text="Seller 
> Information:"
> fontWeight="bold" fontSize="15"/>                                     
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="60" text="Primary 
> Agent"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="109" 
> text="Secondary Agent"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="153" text="Tertiary 
> Agent"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="255" text="Seller 
> Name (first/last):"/>                                     
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="312" text="Seller 
> Name (first/last):"/>                                     
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="201" 
> text="Quaterary Agent"/>
>                                       <!-- 
> ************************************************
>                                       UI Components Involved Parties
> ************************************************
>                                       -->
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="18" y="74"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_agentId}" id="fld_agentId"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="197" y="74"  
> label="Lookup"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="18" y="123" 
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_agentId2}" id="fld_agentId2"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="197" y="123"  
> label="Lookup"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="18" y="167"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_agentId3}"  id="fld_agentId3"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="197" y="167"  
> label="Lookup"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="18" y="216"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_agentId4}" id="fld_agentId4"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="197" y="216"  
> label="Lookup"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="18" y="269"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_sellerFName}"
> id="fld_sellerFName"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="197" y="269"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_sellerLName}"
> id="fld_sellerLName"/>                                        
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="18" y="326"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_sellerFName2}"
> id="fld_sellerFName2"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="197" y="326" 
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayProp.result.fld_sellerLName2}"
> id="fld_sellerLName2"/>
>                               </mx:Canvas>
>                                       <!-- 
> ************************************************
>                                       UI Components Received Documents
> ************************************************
>                                       -->                             
>                               <mx:Canvas label="Document Information" 
> width="100%" height="100%">
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="51" text="Received 
> Documents"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="15" y="18" text="Received 
> Document Details:"
> fontSize="15" fontFamily="Verdana" fontWeight="bold"/>
>                                       <mx:DataGrid x="17" y="64" width="75%" 
> id="DLDG"
> dataProvider="{srv.qdListDisplayDocs.result}"
> click="openFile(DLDG.selectedItem.FLD_DOCLINK)"  height="75%">
>                                               <mx:columns>
>                                                       <mx:DataGridColumn 
> headerText="Document:"
> columnName="FLD_DOCNAME"/>
>                                                       <mx:DataGridColumn 
> headerText="Received On:"
> columnName="FLD_DOCDATE"/>
>                                                       <mx:DataGridColumn 
> headerText="View" visible="false"
> columnName="FLD_DOCLINK"/>
>                                                       <mx:DataGridColumn 
> headerText="Delete"  columnName="col4"/>
>                                               </mx:columns>
>                                       </mx:DataGrid>
>                                       <mx:TitleWindow x="949" y="64" 
> panelAlpha="1.0" title="Required
> Documents" height="75%" width="222">
>                                       </mx:TitleWindow>
>                               </mx:Canvas>
>                               <mx:Canvas label="Review Information" 
> width="100%" height="100%">
>                                       <mx:Label x="15" y="18" text="Review 
> Details:" fontSize="15"
> fontFamily="Verdana" fontWeight="bold"/>
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="51" text="Review 
> Item 1:"/>                                 
>                                       <mx:Label x="287" y="51" text="Review 
> Item 2:"/>                                        
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="152" text="Review 
> Item 3:"/>                                        
>                                       <mx:Label x="287" y="151" text="Review 
> Item 4:"/>                                       
>                                       <mx:Label x="18" y="256" text="Review 
> Item 5:"/>                                        
>                                       <mx:Label x="287" y="258" text="Review 
> Item 6:"/>
>                                       <!-- 
> ************************************************
>                                       UI Components Review
> ************************************************
>                                        -->                            
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="18" y="64"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayCode.result.fld_propCode1}" id="fld_propCode1"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="189" y="64" 
> label="Button"/>
>                                       <mx:TextArea x="18" y="95"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayReview.result.fld_propReview1}" width="230"
> id="fld_propReview1"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="287" y="64"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayCode.result.fld_propCode2}" id="fld_propCode2"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="459" y="64" 
> label="Button"/>
>                                       <mx:TextArea x="287" y="95"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayReview.result.fld_propReview2}" width="230"
> id="fld_propReview2"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="18" y="165"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayCode.result.fld_propCode3}" id="fld_propCode3"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="189" y="165" 
> label="Button"/>
>                                       <mx:TextArea x="18" y="196"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayReview.result.fld_propReview3}" width="230"
> id="fld_propReview3"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="287" y="164"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayCode.result.fld_propCode4}" id="fld_propCode4"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="459" y="164" 
> label="Button"/>
>                                       <mx:TextArea x="287" y="195"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayReview.result.fld_propReview4}" width="230"
> id="fld_propReview4"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="18" y="269"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayCode.result.fld_propCode5}" id="fld_propCode5"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="189" y="269" 
> label="Button"/>
>                                       <mx:TextArea x="18" y="300"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayReview.result.fld_propReview5}" width="230"
> id="fld_propReview5"/>
>                                       <mx:TextInput x="287" y="271"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayCode.result.fld_propCode6}" id="fld_propCode6"/>
>                                       <mx:Button x="459" y="271" 
> label="Button"/>
>                                       <mx:TextArea x="287" y="302"
> text="{srv.qdListDisplayReview.result.fld_propReview6}" width="230"
> id="fld_propReview6"/>
>                               </mx:Canvas>
>                               <mx:Canvas label="Notes" width="100%" 
> height="100%">
>                                       <mx:RichTextEditor panelAlpha="1.0" 
> x="17" y="26" width="695"
> height="360" id="fld_propNotes">
>                                       </mx:RichTextEditor>
>                               </mx:Canvas>
>                       </mx:TabNavigator>
>               </mx:Canvas>
>               <mx:ApplicationControlBar alpha="1.0" x="0" width="100%" 
> height="35" backgroundColor="#008000" fillColors="[777771, 777771]">
>                       <mx:Button label="Save" 
> click="quAdminEditList(fld_fileNum.text, 
> fld_propDir.text, fld_propNum.text,  fld_propStreet.text,  
>                       fld_propStreetDesignator.text,  fld_propDirSuffix.text, 
> fld_propUnitType.text,  fld_propUnitNum.text, fld_propCity.text,  
>                       fld_propState.text,  fld_propZip.text,  
> fld_propPrice.text, 
> fld_mlsNum.text,  fld_propListDate.text,  
>                       fld_propListExpDate.text,  fld_agentId.text,  
> fld_agentId2.text,  
> fld_agentId3.text, fld_agentId4.text, 
>                       fld_sellerFName.text, fld_sellerLName.text,  
> fld_sellerFName2.text,
>  fld_sellerLName2.text,  fld_propReview1.text,  
>                       fld_propReview2.text,  fld_propReview3.text,  
> fld_propReview4.text,
> fld_propReview5.text,  fld_propReview6.text,  
>                       fld_propCode1.text,  fld_propCode2.text,  
> fld_propCode3.text, 
> fld_propCode4.text,  fld_propCode5.text,  
>                       fld_propCode6.text,  fld_propNotes.text)" />
>                       <mx:Button label="Reset"/>
>               </mx:ApplicationControlBar>
>       </mx:Panel>
> </mx:Canvas>
> --
>               // Webservice call for doc code display
>               function qdListDisplayCode(fileNum){
>                       srv.qdListDisplayCode(fileNum);
>               }
>               // Webservice call for property information display
>               function qdListDisplayProp(fileNum){
>                       srv.qdListDisplayProp(fileNum);
>               }
>               // Webservice call for review infromation display
>               function qdListDisplayReview(fileNum){
>                       srv.qdListDisplayReview(fileNum);
>               }
>               // Webservice call for Document Display
>               function qdListDisplayDocs(fileNum){
>                       srv.qdListDisplayDocs(fileNum);
>               }

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