When using the Loader component to load a Flash 8 swf, I normally get a couple of uncaught exceptions that appear via a pop-up window:

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property __OnEnterFrameBeacon on _TestApp_mx_managers_SystemManager

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property reserved on _TestApp_mx_managers_SystemManager

If you dismiss these exceptions, the swf runs fine.  I trust that these exceptions will be fixed eventually.  In the meantime, I would like to prevent the pop-up window.  Since these exceptions are thrown during the asynchronous load, I can't catch them the usual way.  In the docs, there's a section titled "Uncaught exceptions", but it's currently blank.  Is there a way in AS3 to declare something like a global exception handler to catch these uncaught exceptions?

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