Hey coders, I am running into a problem with dispatching events in AS.


I have an EventDispatcher as part of a Controller object I created.  This EventDispatcher has 3 filter objects registered as listeners for a certain event.  Now, when I fire that event, I fire it like so:


eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent({type:”changeGroup”, group:currentGroup});


Now currentGroup is another object of type Group, and has an associative array of arrays in it of different pieces of data used by the different filters. 


Now,through tracing, when before I dispatch this event, the object is intact(all its fields are there with no undefines), but when I dispatch the event, and trace its properties on the filter side, I’m getting undefined.  I’ve tried this via casting to Group object, as well as just leaving it in its Object state.   In particular, an array inside the array is coming up as undefined.

The weird part of it is, on the filter side, when I trace the array’s length, its there, but when I attempt to do anything else to it after that initial trace call, its all undefined.


Am I doing anything blatantly wrong?


Many Thanks



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