More to add to your database…


1) When using an itemSkin for a charting component and the data changes (aka you do a dataProvider update), the itemSkins lose color during the motion. So the columns/line may move around, but they go black instead of the multiple colors. The code for this would be in my last string of emails about Charting Colors.

2) If you use an inline point renderer like the following code and first start with empty data (for example, value=”” in an xml file) the line and dots don’t show (which is good). Then data changes and the value gets filled, the dots/lines appear. Then if you go *back* to an empty value only the line disappears – the dots don’t. There’s something wrong with the removal of the pointRenderers…possibly could be fixed with code but inline shouldn’t need specific coding for this type of stuff. Try it out – I can give you screenshots and the data if you need it.

<mx:LineSeries pointRadius="3" yField="average" form="curve" showDataEffect="{interpolate}"  displayName="4 Week Average">





<mx:SolidColor color="#FF0000" />



<mx:Stroke color="#FF0000" /> 



<mx:Stroke color="#FF0000" weight="2"/>




Jonathan Miranda

Flexible Master of the Web

"In the game of chess, it's important to never let your opponent see your pieces."

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