My guess is the consideration for the people on dial up.  My mom and dad can only get 28.8 (sometimes they connect @ 14.4)  (That's like 3KB/sec max transfer.)  An average flex app... is like what... 200KB ?

200KB / 3KB/sec = (start > run > calc) 66.66 seconds... 

I go crazy when I visit.  (This does presume that I wasn't crazy before I got there however.)

On 3/13/06, dos dedos < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Google has purchased at least one company that uses Flash or Flex (a Web analytics startup) but their own internal efforts seem to be always focused on AJAX ... e.g. the latest Google Mars (

So it's fair to wonder why Google isn't doing more with Flex at this time ... and why Flickr (Yahoo) moved from Flash to AJAX ... especially given the fact that Flex 2 has a lot going for it from technical and end-user perspectives.

Attitudes change over time and new technologies take a while to adopt, but it'd be nice to understand whether or not Google, Yahoo and others are consciously resisting Flex based on some non-technical reason (e.g . the fact that Flex is a proprietary platform whereas AJAX is not.)

Google's and Yahoo's position doesn't matter all that much as far as market adoption for Flex, but it would be interesting to understand the strategic reasons why Google, Yahoo and other major players (e.g. eBay) have so far preferred to stick with AJAX.

An interesting position for Google and Yahoo would be to endorse AJAX half of the time and Flex the other half, or two thrids to one. This way they would keep the market from leaning too heavily in favor of either. But as of now, they're leaning too heavily in favor of AJAX, yet it's very possible that they'll release (or acquire) something based on Flex 2 in the future.

I believe Sun has been very successful with Java on the server side ... Flex could become as popular on the client side as Java is on the server side if  it's opened up in the style of the Java Community Process.

Just curious if anyone has any insights about where Adobe may be going with Flex ... ?


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