Remember that not everything needs to be shoe-horned into a Cairngorm provided class.  I'm going to discuss around a few issues here, and hopefully coalesce a point by the end.
First of all, the front controller will tyipcally listen for *user* gestures; button clicks, drag and drops, menu selections, etc.  However, when we've been building applications with server-push, or collaborative appliations where one instance of an application wishes to change the state of another running instance, we've certainly broadcast Cairngorm events to our front controller.
Hold that thought.
Next - the ServiceLocator is really a repository for RPC services, it doesn't have to be where you encapsulate your XML Binary sockets.   I'd consider that you create a class of your own devising, that encapsulates everything about the XMLSocket - it opens the socket, stuffs data down it and handles the responses.  We've often called these classes "bridge" classes, but you may call them adapters, facades, proxies, services ... let's not get religious about naming.  Your business delegate classes could use your "bridges", and once again the business delegate is making use of a different type of service, but hiding the use of that service from the command classes. 
Your "bridge" class could then more elegantly mutate low-level events (such as dataReceived) into higher-order events (such as QuoteController.STOCK_PRICE_UPDATED) that are broadcast to the front-controller.  I feel funny about the ServiceLocator broadcasting these events - it smells like the wrong class responsibility to me, which is an indication of the Extract Class refactoring just waiting to happen (
You may decide to hide the location details of the XML socket into the ServiceLocator - let's leave that as an exercise in readability and maintainability that you decide.
So there are many ways to solve this; but I think encapsulation of the XMLSocket comms into a separate class and mutation of protocol-specific events into application-specific events, would be good guideline principles in deciding upon your own design.
Good to see you guys all pushing Cairngorm in these new and exciting ways; if this becomes more common use-case for Flex 2.0 development, then we can consider some of your solutions as candidate infrastructure or recommendations.
Best wishes,
Steven Webster
Practice Director (Rich Internet Applications)
Adobe Consulting
Westpoint, 4 Redheughs Rigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh, EH12 9DQ, UK
p: +44 (0) 131 338 6108
m: +44 (0) 7917 428 947 


Do you think this approach would apply to socket connections as well. E.g. XMLSocket, or Binary Sockets?

My issue is that these socket connections would need to broadcast dataReceived() events. These should be caught by the FrontController, correct? Does it make sense for the ServiceLocator to be broadcasting such events?


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