A couple of observations:

1. Where did the Flex Framework Source for 1.5 in question originate?

The code is obviously a decompilation as it is missing comments,
documentation generation tags, and code generation logic. I could take
any decompilation and critique it but I would be missing lots of context
and development details that are simply absent.


It’s original Flex framework. Provided by someone from Adobe (I can’t say names).

2. Simple Problems, Simple Solutions - Some things in Flex are simple,
and light for a reason. If every component were built like a brick
outhouse, the base Flex SWF files would be 2-3 times larger and overall
things would be much more restrictive and more performance intensive. By
design all things in Flex are orthogonal to allow extension and
composition. Sometimes simple reusable components provide the best way
to create larger applications.

Also if you are dissatisfied with the base components, you do not have
to use them. You can build your own in Flex 1.5 and Flex 2.0 without
issue. :)

Seems like “If you are dissatisfied with Flash Platform you don’t have to use it”. Do Adobe wants to provide good solutions, or they are about to write bad code and then fight for it?

3. Easy to say but hard to defend - Adobe engineering is first class,
they do not cut corners and in the large applications are very solid.
Again you can put any part of any application under a microscope and
make a judgment but you might miss the larger value. Having worked with
many Adobe(MM) developers on many teams, it would be wildly incorrect to
judge Flex based on a decompilation. In many cases, Flex devs are
dealing with upstream cases, customer requirements, and dependencies
that you cannot see. In Flex there are many dependencies to make Flex
generated applications work correctly as it was built targeting 6,0,65,0
in Flex 1 and 7,0,14,0 in Flex 1.5.



If you think that copy&paste of code is good than we have no questions to discuss. Someone who use copy&paste to produce code is not “first class” but just a bad junior dev.

4. Moving forward - Flex 2.0 is a ground up rewrite from the player,
compiler, and flex framework. The only thing that remains is the
component interface from version 1.5. Some 150+ engineers have worked
very hard for 2+ years on the Flex 2 release and it is world class.
Release is about 2 months away and the code quality is very good
especially in the compiler and player 8.5. I am pretty excited about the
future of the Flash Platform and the Flex development toolsets, they are
about to get 10 times better and 20 times faster.

I hope so, but after all I don’t trust in your “world class”.

I judge Flex/Flash based on the value it creates for end users and not
from a decompilation slice of the framework.



Novice: "How can I write perfect code?"

Master: "To write perfect code, you must not code."


It’s not about writing a perfect code. Nobody is perfect. But it’s about don’t write a ####.

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