Hi Matt,

On 4/17/06, Matt Chotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You definitely need the <roles> in the constraint, otherwise there's nothing to test for.


Why are you not using the login command we provided for 5.5?  You would also need to copy the flex-tomcat-common.jar into the common/lib directory as specified in step 1, but then it should work.  The one we provide is flex.messaging.security.TomcatLoginCommand.

I forgot to mention I  also copied flex-tomcat-common.jar into common/lib. The reason why I use a custom login, I'm still playing with fes2 so maybe I'm wrong, is because I have a huge java application in the backend. This application manages its own classloaders and its own JAAS modules to manage authentication and authorization.

I think I've been able to solve the classloader issue with a custom filter applyied to MessageBrokerServlet. This filter simply changes the classloader through Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader() Is this the good way?

For the authentication and authorization I thought the best way would be to implement a custom loginCommand. Otherwise I won't be able to run any existing service on the server side. When using as2 and openAMF I've a custom openAMF invoker which in resume invokes a Subject.doAs statement. But I have no idea where to do this in FES.

BTW when I add <roles> in the security-constraint (using default roles, username and passwords provided by tomcat) and using setCredentials I receive a flex.messaging.security.SecurityException: Login required before authorization can proceed.

The client side code I'm using:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns="*" layout="absolute">
            import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
            import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
            private function send():void {
            private function onFault (event:FaultEvent):void {
                trace ("onFault");
            private function getTest (event:ResultEvent):void {
                trace ("onResult");
    <mx:RemoteObject id="db" destination="sampleDest" fault="onFault(event)">
        <mx:method name="test" showBusyCursor="true" result="getTest(event)"/>
    <mx:VBox x="65" y="11">
        <mx:Button click="send()"/>


What can be wrong?
Thanks so much!




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Xavi Beumala
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 3:30 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Custom authentication in a destination


Hi all,

I'm trying to secure a remoting destination with a custom class as stated at http://livedocs.macromedia.com/labs/1/flex20beta2/00001546.html

The steps I've followed are:
   · Create a custom class which implements flex.messaging.security.LoginCommand with the methods start, stop, doAuthentication, doAuthorization and logout.
   · Add a destination definition in flex-remoting-service.xml:

    <destination id="sampleDest">
            <security-constraint ref="sample-users" />

  · Add a security definition tag in flex-enterprise-service.xml:
        <security-constraint id="sample-users">

        <login-command class="com.code4net.loginModules.CustomLogin" server="Tomcat"/>

   · Place flex-tomcat-server.jar in server/lib (NOT shared/lib) (as stated in <fes_install_dir>/resources/security/tomcat/readme.txt
     (I'm running tomcat 5.5)
   · Copy context.xml in web application under the META-INF directory

The problem is that with this configuration the destination isn't being secured and I can execute services on it normally. If I add a <roles> tag inside the security-constraint then I receive a security-exception eventhough I'm invoking setCredentials and setRemoteCredentials from the clientSide (using default users and roles defined in tomcat-users.xml).

On the other hand if I run tomcat in debug mode from eclipse, any of the methods of CustomLogin class are invoked.

I think I'm missing the way to bind CustomLogin class to my sampleDest destination.

I'm missing something? Help is much apreciated



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Xavi Beumala

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