
1. Somewhere they say that the SDK is now free but the builder is
priced and with that will be one framework license. I don't quite
understand what is this framework license.  
The Framework and compiler are free for both development and deployment.  You can use them with any text editor ro develop your code.  There are no hidden costs.  
The FlexBuilder tool, and the Charting components will be charged on a per developer seat basis. In other words, if you want to use them, you can buy a copy (for some amount less that $1,000) and use them to create any and all applications you want. There are no additional license fees for deploying applications. 

2. In the book there is reference that you can (technically) deliver
compiled mxml files from your website but it will be a license
violation. Is it still true with 2.0? 
This is not true with 2.0.

3. I understand that Data Services are priced and will need license
but if I use HTTP Service and use compiled mxml application as UI to
connect to my server "without" any Flex server component. Can I do it
without any licensing from Macromedia?  
Correct.  You can deliver a compiled SWF from the SDK and connect to your server without any licensed server software from Adobe/Macromedia.

Bottomline. I am working on a shoestring. I need to get started
quickly with a budget of $200/yr. (which means mostly open source
CPL/GPL software). Of course when I grow and need more commercial
features I will loosen my purse but I do not like any entry barriers
(who does?)
Does Flex2.0 licensing model accomodate people like me or not? 
Yes it does. :)

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