another way is this:

<cfset s=structNew()>
<cfset s["firstName"] ="Bob">

...bit less typing...
--- In, "Rick Schmitty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> oops I'll answer my own question, seems like it is a Coldfusion thing
> with how it creates structs and nothing to do with Flex
> if you have an array of users:
> <cfset s=structNew()>
> <cfset s.firstName="Bob">
> and dump the array, coldfusion shows all the keys in CAPS, however if
> you use the function
> <cfset s=structNew()>
> <cfset structInsert(s,"firstName","Bob")>
> and dump it, it keeps it case in CF as well as Flex over the wire
> sorry if this is a known trick posted before..fired an email too
> quickly there in distress!
> On 5/3/06, Rick Schmitty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Was just poking around the xml files and noticed this section.
> >
> > <property-case>
> >         <!-- cfc property names -->
> >         <force-cfc-lowercase>false</force-cfc-lowercase>
> >         <!-- Query column names -->
> >         <force-query-lowercase>false</force-query-lowercase>
> >         <!-- struct keys -->
> >         <force-struct-lowercase>false</force-struct-lowercase>
> > </property-case>
> >
> >
> > Is there an option to keep-struct-case or such or is there a setting
> > somewhere else you can adjust so coldfusion structs keep their case
> > over remote object?
> >
> >
> > tia..
> >

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