Ok, I´ve done it but still doesnt work. I´ve created the winBanco.mxml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx=" http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns="*" layout="absolute">
        <mx:StringValidator id="valBancoCodigo" source="{xBancoCodigo}" property="text" required="true" requiredFieldError="Você precisa digitar o código do banco" valid="handleValid(event,subBtnBanco)" invalid="handleValid(event,subBtnBanco)" />
        <mx:StringValidator id="valBancoNome" source="{xBancoNome}" property="text" required="true" requiredFieldError="Você precisa digitar o nome do banco" valid="handleValid(event,subBtnBanco)" invalid="handleValid(event,subBtnBanco)" />
        <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Código:"/>
        <mx:TextInput id="xBancoCodigo" x="75" y="8" width="225"/>
        <mx:Label x="10" y="40" text="Nome:"/>
        <mx:TextInput id="xBancoNome" x="75" y="38" width="225"/>
        <mx:Label x="10" y="68" text="Descrição"/>
        <mx:TextArea x="75" y="68" width="225" height="88" id="xBancoObs"/>
        <mx:Label x="54" y="10" text="*" color="#ff0000"/>
        <mx:Label x="81" y="164" text="* Campos obrigatórios" color="#ff0000" id="lblObFieldsBanco"/>
        <mx:Label x="48" y="40" text="*" color="#ff0000"/>
        <mx:Button x="185" y="189" label="Enviar" id="subBtnBanco" click="cadBanco();" enabled="false"/>
        <mx:Button x="254" y="189" label="Cancelar" id="closeBtnBanco" click="closeWin(winBanco);"/>   

And now am using this new main MXML application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=" http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns="*" layout="absolute">

        import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
        import mx.containers.TitleWindow;

        private function closeWin(winObj:TitleWindow):void
            winObj.visible = false;

        private function formBanco():void
            PopUpManager.addPopUp(winBanco,this , true);


    <mx:Accordion width="150" y="50" left="22" height="150" historyManagementEnabled="false">
        <mx:Canvas label="Bancos" width="100%" height="80">
            <mx:LinkButton x="10" y="10" label="Novo banco" click="formBanco();"/>



What´s wrong? Now i get a "Implicit coercion of a value of type 'Class' to an unrelated type 'mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject '"
Or better, can you tell me a simple way of dealing with Windows, perhaps I´m doing it all wrong here...
Basically, what I want is to show this modal window (draggable) with input fields which will be sent to DB via an HTTPRequest. And what about accordeon problem?

On 5/8/06, Doug Lowder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Try commenting out the three PopUpManager calls and see what
happens.  The winBanco TitleWindow is defined as part of your
application, but you are also instantiating it as a popup window. 
This is probably not what you want.  If you want winBanco to be a
draggable popup window, move the definition to a separate mxml file
and reference the filename, minus the extension, in the PopUpManager

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Misael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone tell me why this code keeps throwing an error? It says:
> TypeError: Error #1009: null has no properties.
> >     at mx.containers.utilityClasses::CanvasLayout/measure()
> >     at mx.core::Application/mx.core:Application::measure()
> >     at mx.core::UIComponent/::measureSizes()
> >     at mx.core::UIComponent/validateSize()
> >     at mx.core::Container/validateSize()
> >     at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateSize()
> >     at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::doPhasedInstantiation()
> >     at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher2()
> >     at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher()
> In fact, it happens only on the first time i show the window,
otherwise it
> works fine.
> I´m experiencing such errors in other places too, such as on
another window
> with an accordeon, and many input field on its children, but like
> problem above, when i try to set the value of those fields only
those in the
> first container of the accordeon are writable. The rest, only if i
close the
> window and open it again. How to deal with this?
> Thanks in advance!
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns="*"
> layout="absolute">
> <mx:Script><![CDATA[
>         import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
>         private function showWindow(winObj:TitleWindow):void
>         {
>             PopUpManager.addPopUp(winObj,this , true);
>             PopUpManager.centerPopUp(winObj);
>             winObj.visible = true;
>         }
>         private function closeWin(winObj:TitleWindow):void
>         {
>              PopUpManager.removePopUp(winObj);
>             winObj.visible = false;
>         }
>         private function formBanco():void
>         {
>             xBancoCodigo.text='';
>             xBancoNome.text='';
>             xBancoObs.text='';
>             showWindow(winBanco);
>         }
> ]]>
>     </mx:Script>
>     <mx:Accordion width="150" y="50" left="22" height="150"
> historyManagementEnabled="false">
>         <mx:Canvas label="Bancos" width="100%" height="80">
>             <mx:LinkButton x="10" y="10" label="Novo banco"
> click="formBanco();"/>
>         </mx:Canvas>
>     </mx:Accordion>
>     <mx:TitleWindow showCloseButton="true" close="closeWin
> creationPolicy="auto" id="winBanco" visible="false" x="201" y="125"
> layout="absolute" width="359" height="261" title="Novo banco">
>         <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Código:"/>
>         <mx:TextInput id="xBancoCodigo" x="75" y="8" width="225"/>
>         <mx:Label x="10" y="40" text="Nome:"/>
>         <mx:TextInput id="xBancoNome" x="75" y="38" width="225"/>
>         <mx:Label x="10" y="68" text="Descrição"/>
>         <mx:TextArea x="75" y="68" width="225" height="88"
>         <mx:Label x="54" y="10" text="*" color="#ff0000"/>
>         <mx:Label x="81" y="164" text="* Campos obrigatórios"
> color="#ff0000" id="lblObFieldsBanco"/>
>         <mx:Label x="48" y="40" text="*" color="#ff0000"/>
>         <mx:Button x="185" y="189" label="Enviar" id="subBtnBanco"
> enabled="false"/>
>         <mx:Button x="254" y="189" label="Cancelar"
> click="closeWin(winBanco);"/>
>     </mx:TitleWindow>
> </mx:Application>

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