Wonder if it's possible to map server side VO's to ActionScript classes when using webservices.
Couldn't get it to work in FB beta 2 and now tried again in beta 3 and it doesn't seem to work.
Maybe I'm just missing a piece of the puzzle.

Things work fine when using Remoting (RemoteObject) but when I switch to Webservices, the mapping does not take place.

Using ColdFusion, I'm sending an Array of VO's (cfc component)
When I loop throught the Array in Flex and trace the properties of each item in the array, I get the following:

catID = 4
xsi:type = ns2:BlogCategoryVO
xmlns:ns2 = http://vo.blog.muzakdeezign.com.services
catName = Coldfusion

catID and catName are both properties of the cfc component.
xsi:type and xmlns:ns2 is added by the webservice/coldfusion I guess.

So it seems the info for the mapping (xsi:type, xmlns) is there, but there's no mapping going on.

Anyone know if this is supposed to work, and if so, how?

kind regards,

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