I'm building a Flex 2 app that has all incoming/outgoing data as XML
(custom structured...not like an RSS for example). The XML requires
namespaces and will likely have changes in structure. There will be
multiple incoming XML formats (e.g, Product, Customer, Contact,
Calendar Entry).

With that said, it seems I need to build a framework to handle
incoming XML, forward it to the correct handler to transfer the data
to it's related typed class, and add the typed class to the view. The
framework will also re-create the XML before sending the request.
Should be easy with E4x.

Seems straight-forward enough but seems odd there doesn't seem to be
any documentation or existing frameworks that completely abstract the
xml layer from the UI. Being a java developer, I look forward to
writing it (and posting it publicly)...just want to make sure I'm not
re-inventing the wheel. Seems like a common need that no one has

If people are using the returned XML as your data object in the view,
it could be cumbersome to fix in all the views if the structure changes.

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