Hello all,


The following code worked in Beta 2:


<mx:Image id="laptop1" source="{laptopImage}" mouseMove="dragMe(event, laptop1, 'img', laptopImage);myoffset(laptop1);" x="400" y="80"/>


The function “dragMe()” was taken from a drag-and-drop example in the documentation. It worked perfectly in Beta 2, and life was good. Now that I’ve upgraded to Beta 3, however, I can’t get any mouse event to work with these mx:Image tags. I have tried using different mouse events (mouseDown, click) to invoke different functions, including a simple function that does nothing but change the text in a text box. Nothing seems to work. The functions never get called. No exception is thrown. The Flash player (9 Beta 3) just seems to ignore the whole thing. It’s enough to make me feel unloved.


Did anything change with either the Image tag or mouse events between Beta 2 and Beta 3? Could it be the fact that the images are embedded SWFs? Has anyone experienced anything similar? Or am I just missing something obvious?


I’ve searched the Adobe labs wiki but can’t find a reference to a change that appears to be relevant to this issue.



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