> On 5/12/06, Simon Fifield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Does anyone have any  information or links about how successful Google and other search engine bots  are at crawling Flex Apps?

For "crawling" I'm guessing this is "find the data within a SWF app".
But much of the data is not in the SWF, and is instead in a database or
other repository which is called at runtime. I'm not certain what you're
hoping that the search engines would find.

Search engines do best with locating static things with an URL... for a
classic ColdFusion-style data merge people often create duplicate static
pages if they want the database contents to be searchable via the
standard engines.

The better path is usually to have a number of external resources
pointing to your hosting document, with anchor text used the search
terms under which you'd like people to find you. Rephrased, raw body
text is sometimes useful as search hits, but it's the inbound links
which really control the ranking.

Is this the type of info you were seeking? or...?


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
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