Thanks Steven,

> if you want to create your own list for Flex specific topics, then great idea, and best of luck !

This is the problem I am struggling to explain. This wasn't entirely 'my' idea. There were many developers that expressed some interest in this.

Since I am talking to you, I am sorry for posting this on flexcoders. We wouldn't be having this conversation that feels like a do while loop gone wild if I hadn't posted it.

As far as my questions unanswered; I am sure engineers at Adobe are busy, this seems obvious. 

There still hasn't been any form of communication created better than face to face.

Just walking down the trail enjoying the scenery and ahh, wasp nest, run!

Thanks for you time Steven,


On 5/29/06, Steven Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You've misunderstood the intent of my post; if you want to create your own list for Flex specific topics, then great idea, and best of luck !
My post was meant simply to respond to a recurring thread since this list first started, as to whether we should have one list or multiple lists ... and our collective feeling is that until such point as threads on flexcoders become irrelevance for a majority of the membership, there's no immediate benefit from breaking our current flexcoders list into separate lists.  Sheer volume of messages isn't really the issue - whether we receive 100 messages a day from one list, or 50 messages a day from 2 lists, doesn't make the parsing and responding to the lists any easier or any more difficult. 
I'm not sure what questions you have been asking that haven't been answered, but there is a deep experience of Flex 1.x and Flex 2 component development on this mailing list, and I'm sure the discussion on these topics is of interest and relevance to those that are subscribed generally to flexcoders.  If your questions haven't been answered, I'd expect it's more likely because individuals were busy, rather than uninterested or unable.
Anyway - I just want people to be clear that we're not carving up Flexcoders into separate lists, that we expect the entire flexcoders community to choose from and subscribe to.  For the foreseeable future, we expect Flexcoders to remain a single mailing list, and we'll continue to moderate, monitor and support it as before.
If in the meantime, community members elect to create, moderate and support topic-specific lists as you have done - then all the better !  Flex Component development is something I anticipate really taking off with the release of Flex 2.
Best wishes and best of luck with your list,
Sent: 29 May 2006 16:35
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex2 :: Seperate Mailing List :: Component developers - Framework Devlopment


I have a question;

Isn't a move like this (creating a framework/component) list, like refactoring in OOP? Essentially, this thought came from intuition about 2 months ago when my 'development problems' were not being met.

I see a way to grab a 'niche' of developers like myself and let us play off of our own intelligence. This means developers looking at questions of a list completly related to components and the framework see only questions about framework programming.

I am not an application developer and do not want to be. So, comming from a component developer's perspective, I see this as completly necessary and for the most part required.

If I am nieve, I will learn.



On 5/29/06, Bjorn Schultheiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I guess they have been created now.


I think their success depending on the Adobe engineers and consultants input on these lists.


I personally hope there will be input from you guys on the AS3 specific list.


From: [] On Behalf Of Steven Webster
Sent: Tuesday, 30 May 2006 12:57 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flex2 :: Seperate Mailing List :: Component developers - Framework Devlopment




The team at Adobe do our utmost to follow these lists - as soon as they fragment into multiple lists, it becomes more and more of our time to keep track of them all.  There is no question related to Flex - be it 1.5, 2.0, Data Services, Component Development, etc, etc - that is not suitable for posting here.


The tipping point, for me, to split into separate lists, is where there are hundreds of posts a day of interest to only a small demographic of the list - at that point, it makes sense to carve out a separate list.


Until then - while people are trying to get up to speed on ALL apsects of flex development - there's a huge benefit in having all the knowledge, expertise, archives and threads, on the one list.





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