Hi Andrea,

The problem was solved in last beta (FP9 beta3), so you can pass VOs from AS to Java and from Java to AS.

Your code looks ok, for me but the logs says something is happen, maybe...are you using AMF0?, remember that in FP9 default is AMF3.

On 6/2/06, Andrea Varga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have been trying to set up a project using Java, OpenAMF, Tomcat,
Flex2B2 and Cairngorm.
I'm kinda new to OpenAMF andTomcat (and usually to application servers)
and I have found the docs confusing.
Finally i managed to get the  remoting working.
I can call my services, and get back the result, but I am having
problems with my VO class mappings in both directions (if  I send
Strings, everything works fine)
I have read in previous posts, that mapping from Java to AS was not
working in Flash Player 8.5 (but should work from AS to Java), but I
couldn't find anything about Flash Player 9.
Actually, I have found this in Carlos Rovira's blog: "El problema de
mapeo de clases de Java hacia ActionScript está resuelto en el nuevo
*Flash Player 9 Beta"*. Unfortunatelly,  I don't understand spanish, but
it's close to romanian, does that mean that the problem has been solved
in Flash Player 9 or the opposite ? :)

I have a LoginVO class:
Java code:
package com.spindevelopment.model.vo;

public class LoginVO {
    public String username;
    public String password;
    public LoginVO() {

AS code:
package com.spindevelopment.model.vo {

    import org.nevis.cairngorm.vo.ValueObject;
    public class LoginVO implements ValueObject {
        public var username:String;
        public var password:String;

In openamf-congid.xml I added this:

In my java service class, I have a simple test method, where I return a
String with the 2 properties of LoginVO:

public String doLogin(LoginVO pLogin ) {
    return new String("un: " + pLogin.username + ", pass:

The returned string is: "un: null, pass: null";

Here is my Tomcat log:

02.06.2006 15:54:45 org.openamf.io.AMFDeserializer <init>
INFO: Deserializing Message, for more info turn on debug level
02.06.2006 15:54:45 org.openamf.DefaultGateway service
[AMFBody: {serviceName=com.spindevelopment.services.Login,
serviceMethodName=doLogin, response=/1, type=ARRAY,

02.06.2006 15:54:46 org.openamf.invoker.JavaServiceInvoker getServiceMethod
INFO: topRankedMethod: name=doLogin rank=100.0
02.06.2006 15:54:46 org.openamf.DefaultGateway service
[AMFBody: {serviceName=null, serviceMethodName=null, response=null,
type=UNKNOWN, value=un: null, pass: null}]

Could somebody point me in the right direction?



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