No ideas?

--- In, "Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a bit of a time figuring this one out.  I have a PieChart
> that I'm using to map data that fits into certain categories.  I want
> to always have each category given a fixed color.  So, for example, I
> might have categories Normal (green), Warning (yellow) and Error
> (red).  I'm throwing different data sets at the chart, sorted by total
> (so the slices will be arranged in order of size).  Sometimes this
may be:
> Normal: 1
> Warning: 5
> Error: 10
> Or
> Warning: 1
> Normal: 5
> Error: 2
> Or
> Error: 1
> Normal: 3
> Warning: 10
> Or
> Error: 5
> Normal: 10
> (note that Warning is missing because it didn't show up)
> Now, in all these cases, I always want Normal to be green, etc.  As
> far as I can tell, you can use a array of solidcolor fills.  But it
> only cares about the ordinal position.  So say I give it green, yellow
> and red.  It will work fine in the first case.  But in all the other
> cases, it won't be right because the order is different or some
> elements might be missing.
> I'm pretty new to flex so maybe I'm totally missing something.

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