don't forget event in Flex2 *bubbles*.

you can listen to click event on image inside the item renderer and manually dispatch a "ImageClick" event then it will eventually bubble up to the container DataGrid.

this way your outer application just have to handle this event from DataGrid then display detailed information in other controls.


On 6/10/06, jpwarmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- In, "Jim Robson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I already try that way.....the problem is that I can't catch the event
that the renderer dispatch...I don't want that the renderer chatch the
event.The DataGrid must catch it, so i can do something with it...

<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" dataProvider="{valuesArray}" resize="true"
width="100%" height="100%" visible="false" sortableColumns="true">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Detail"
itemRenderer="ImageCellRenderer" textAlign="center" width="40"
dataField="id" />

The general idea is that when click on the image (and just on the
image, not in the row...i don't care about the selected item at the
moment) an event is dispatched so details over the element are showed
on a diferent panel, the datagrid shows a very small set of data, the
remain information must be obtained by calling a service.

PD:Sorry about my english, it is obvious that is not my native language ;)


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