After chatting here with Peter, I made a few improvement for setting up JOTM in tomcat in order to use FDS.

1. un "gzip" the file
2. go to the lib directory in the resulting uncompressed folder
3. place all the files in this folder in the $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib directory except:
   a. log4j.jar
   b. commons-cli.jar
   c. jotm_iiop_stubs.jar
   NOTE: $CATALINA_HOME is just your tomcat folder.
4. Create a new file called context.xml in :
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/<your app name, in this case "samples">/META-INF
5. Place the following in the file:
<Context path="/samples" docBase="samples" debug="0" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">

  <!-- Description of the resource "UserTransaction -->
  <Resource name="UserTransaction" auth="Container" type="javax.transaction.UserTransaction" />
  <ResourceParams name="UserTransaction">
       <name> jotm.timeout</name>

NOTE: In the first line above, the word "samples" listed twice, should be whatever the  name of your webapp is. Using "samples" allows you to run the samples application that comes with FDS.

or if you have Tomcat 5.5 or greater you may just place the following in the file:

<Context reloadable="true">
    <Transaction factory=" org.objectweb.jotm.UserTransactionFactory" jotm.timeout="60" />

NOTE : I havent tried this yet because I am currently running <tomcat 5.5 but Peter Farland says it works!

On 6/18/06, hank williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wrote up a little explanation that is much (I think) easier to understand
> that the instructions provided by adobe for installing JOTM (which is
> necessary for FDS)
> 1. un "gzip" the file
> 2. go to the lib directory in the resulting uncompressed folder
> 3. place all the files in this folder in the $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib
> directory except:
>    a. log4j.jar
>    b. commons-cli.jar
>    c. jotm_iiop_stubs.jar
>    NOTE: $CATALINA_HOME is just your tomcat folder.
> 4. Add the following XML to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml
>  <Context path="/samples" docBase="samples" debug="0" reloadable="true"
> crossContext="true">
>   <!-- Description of the resource "UserTransaction -->
>   <Resource name="UserTransaction" auth="Container"
> type="javax.transaction.UserTransaction " />
>   <ResourceParams name="UserTransaction">
>     <parameter>
>       <name>factory</name>
> <value>org.objectweb.jotm.UserTransactionFactory </value>
>     </parameter>
>     <parameter>
>        <name> jotm.timeout</name>
>        <value>60</value>
>      </parameter>
>   </ResourceParams>
> </Context>
> NOTE: In the first line above, the word "samples" listed twice, should be
> whatever the  name of your webapp is. Using "samples" allows you to run the
> samples application that comes with FDS.
> On 6/18/06, hank williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, I figured out what the problem is.
> >
> > On the wiki (but nowhere in the downloaded package) it says that FDS
> > on Tomcat requires the JOTM transaction manager.
> >
> > The wiki points to two articles by unrelated third parties that have
> > different instructions for what is required to install. Then there are
> > some additional instructions directly in the wiki that seem to overlap
> > and contradict the instructions in the articles. The bottom line is
> > this is no easy "drop a war or jar in and your done" kind of
> > installation - or if it is, then the instructions are even worse than
> > I thought.
> >
> > I would suggest that adobe make the effort to tighten up the
> > documentation on this and maybe do some kind of an installer that
> > maybe even makes the necessary adjustments to the tomcat config file.
> > Just because someone programs in java doesnt mean they know all of the
> > ins and outs of servlet container configurations. This, "oh we will
> > leave the last few steps as an exercise for the reader" is just one of
> > my personal pet peeves. Just because software is targeted at
> > programmers and technical folks doesnt mean its ok to make it hard.
> > Adobe has, in general, done a good job with the client side. But, for
> > lots of people, this will be a bummer.
> >
> > Hank
> >
> > On 6/18/06, hank williams < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I just downloaded flex data services, installed, and tried to run the
> the sample apps.
> > >
> > > The flash UI part all works fine, but it cant connect to data. The error
> that comes in on the java console looks like this:
> > >
> > >
> > > [Flex] [DEBUG] Before invoke service: data-service
> > >   incomingMessage: Flex Message (
> > >     operation = fill
> > >     id = null
> > >     clientId = 5C535BF9-496C-1163-025E-E8915E76244B
> > >      correlationId =
> > >     destination = contact
> > >     messageId = 43802177-0968-4AB3-9AB5-E8915E86D54E
> > >     timestamp = 1150658109140
> > >     timeToLive = 0
> > >     body =
> > >     [
> > >
> > >     ]
> > >     hdr(DSEndpoint) = my-rtmp
> > >
> > > Throwable in RtmpReader thread: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError :
> javax/transaction/SystemException
> > > java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> javax/transaction/SystemException
> > >     at
> (
> > >     at
> flex.messaging.MessageBroker.routeMessageToService
> (
> > >     at
> flex.messaging.endpoints.AbstractEndpoint.serviceMessage(
> > >     at
> flex.messaging.endpoints.rtmp.AbstractRTMPServer.dispatchMessage
> ( :653)
> > >     at
> flex.messaging.endpoints.rtmp.NIORTMPConnection$
> > >     at
> ( :643)
> > >     at
> > >     at (Unknown Source)
> > >
> > >
> > > Obviously I have done something wrong from a setup perspective, but I am
> not sure what.
> > >
> > > Any input would be greatly appreciated.
> > >
> > >
> > > Hank
> > >
> >

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