Just as a test I changed the definiton of the my-amf endpoint in
flex-enterprise-services.xml to
to see if this would effect what the flex debugger says I am looking
It still says it thinks the channel definition
<channel id="my-amf" type="
<endpoint uri="http://{
So the question is, where
is it getting this from?
On 6/20/06, hank
williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ok, so we are getting down to the nub of the problem.
this is what
my flex-enterprise-services.xml file says my channel definition
id="my-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel ">
And this is what the debugger thinks it is:
<channel id="my-amf"
As you suggested in the last
email I did test the endpoint in the browser and
http://localhost:8080/uploadServer/messagebroker/amf is a
valid endpoint because I dont get the 500 error, the screen just goes
I also did a global search of the word "messagebroker" just to
see if there might be some conflicting definition. But there isnt. The only
place it is is where it should be. There is no other definition for my-amf.
Could there be some wierd caching issue since I recently changed the endpoint
to the hardcoded definition that it doesnt seem to be seeing.
> It didnt work.
> So now I am wondering if
uploadServer isnt my context.root.
> It is the name of my
webapp. Perhaps these are not the same
> thing.
[Pete] Try
browsing to the endpoint URI. If it's correct, it will not throw a 500 error
and present a blank screen.
>> 3. Can you add a <mx:TraceTarget level="0" /> to
>> MXML and then watch the
flashlog.txt for more info?
> I did stick this in, but could you tell me where flashlog.txt
is kept?
[Pete] You could
either debug with Flex Builder and it usually show trace output in the
console panel, though I usually launch SWFs from a variety of places so I
like to configure Flash Player trace logging manually. If you're on Windows,
then you need to have a mm.cfg file in your %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% directory,
i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\mm.cfg
In here, the
contents should be:
Then, assuming
you're using the debug versions of the Flash Player, a file called
flashlog.txt will be created in your user directory. (I use tail.exe from
cygwin to tail this file so that it appears as an updating console log).