I have found a bug in Flex 2 (final) showDataEffect combined with stacked columns.  You get an error.  If you take off the stacked setting, you do not get an error.  Or, if you take off the effect and leave stacked, no error.  Here's the sample code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml " layout="absolute">
      import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

      [Bindable] public var d1:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
      [Bindable] public var d2:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([

  <mx:ColumnChart id="myChart" type="stacked">
    <mx:SeriesInterpolate id="interp" duration="1000" minimumElementDuration="200" elementOffset="0"/>
        <mx:ColumnSeries id="s1" xField="x" yField="y" dataProvider="{d1}" showDataEffect="interp">
            <mx:SolidColor color="0x00FF00"/>
        <mx:ColumnSeries id="s2" xField="x" yField="y" dataProvider="{d2}" showDataEffect="interp">
            <mx:SolidColor color="0xFF0000"/>
  <mx:Button x="10" y="408" label="&lt;&lt;" click=" s1.dataProvider = d2; s2.dataProvider = d1"/>
  <mx:Button x="83" y="408" label=">>" click="s2.dataProvider = d2; s1.dataProvider = d1"/>

Jason __._,_.___

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