Unfortunately, this is inside a component whose root tag is a chart.  So it's kind of hard to put them outside of that.  :D  Pity this is how it works.  It's VERY handy to have the ability to define components in mxml form.  Especially in the cases of things like itemRenderers that are a lot more work in AS.

I'll just stick with this as a workaround until I can patch the chart code.  If I need something similar in the future, I'll go through the full in-code method.

On 6/29/06, Ely Greenfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

FYI, defining those PieSeries inside the piechart is not really a kosher thing to do. Loose tags inside a chart are interpreted as items assigned to its dataProvider.  In your case, you're immediately redefining the dataProvider to be something else, so it effectively gets ignored.  But really, arbitrary loose instances you want to create should be defined as children of the root tag of the file.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Pan Troglodytes
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:26 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Ely: StoplightRenderer example doesn't work right in release

Okay, here's how I worked around it for anyone else following the thread.

I created my chart like this (pseudo-code):

<PieChart id=chart>
  <PieSeries id=series1 dataProvider=mydata/>
  <PieSeries id=series2 dataProvider=mydata/>

Notice that series1/2 are NOT inside a <series> tag.

In my update function, I have a switch that decided which series should be active and did as follows:

//series1.setStyle("showDataEffect", someEffect);
chart.series = [series1];  // set the series array to just this one series

The commented out line is in case you have any effects.  For some reason, they have to reapplied.

If one of your series has a custom renderer like mine, you can define it inline or assign it like so:

  <PieSeries id=series1 dataProvider=mydata itemRenderer=CustomRenderer/>

On 6/28/06, Ely Greenfield < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Hmmm. Honestly, I'm surprised that worked in beta 3.  Regardless, the series is caching instances of the itemRenderer, and not correctly releasing them when you switch to a different renderer.  The only workaround I can see right now is to create a new PieSeries rather than just changing the itemRenderer.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Pan Troglodytes
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:54 PM
To: flexcoders
Subject: [flexcoders] Ely: StoplightRenderer example doesn't work right in release


Okay, I admit, the subject is a LITTLE misleading.  Your original page for the stoplight renderer (http://www.quietlyscheming.com/blog/charts/data-based-renderers/ ) does still work.  But a slight derivative of it now seems to fail.

I'm specifically referring to setting the itemRenderer at runtime.  Using setStyle("itemRenderer", ...), the chart never seems to update.  Below is my example based on your example.  I show three charts.  The first is using a switchable item renderer, the second is using MyStoplightItemRenderer, the third using MyStoplightItemRenderer2.  The radio button is supposed to switch the first chart back and forth these two.  This used to work under the beta.  Now it seems to have no effect.

Can you confirm this is a bug in Flex?  I'm not going to post it to the bug webpage yet in case you just changed how you are supposed to approach this problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Application xmlns=" http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
      public function changeRenderer(e:Event):void {
        switch (rendergroup.selectedValue) {
          case "Renderer1":
            pie.setStyle('itemRenderer', new ClassFactory(MyStoplightWedgeRenderer));
          case "Renderer2":
            pie.setStyle('itemRenderer', new ClassFactory(MyStoplightWedgeRenderer2));

    <XML id="dataSet" source="data/sampleData.xml" />

    <Panel width="100%" height="100%" title="data based renderers" >
        <RadioButtonGroup id="rendergroup" change="changeRenderer(event)"/>
        <RadioButton label="Renderer1" groupName="rendergroup"/>
        <RadioButton label="Renderer2" groupName="rendergroup"/>

        <PieChart id="chart" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{dataSet.Sample }">
                <PieSeries field="@costs" id="pie"/>
        <PieChart id="chart2" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{ dataSet.Sample}">
                <PieSeries field="@costs" id="pie2" itemRenderer="MyStoplightWedgeRenderer"/>
        <PieChart id="chart3" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{dataSet.Sample}">
                <PieSeries field="@costs" id="pie3" itemRenderer="MyStoplightWedgeRenderer2"/>

<?xml version="1.0 " encoding="utf-8"?>
<qc:StoplightWedgeRenderer xmlns:qc="qs.charts.dataRenderers.*" xmlns="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
          <qc:StoplightThreshold value="0">
                  <SolidColor color="#00AA00" />
          <qc:StoplightThreshold value="50">
                  <SolidColor color="#AAAA00" />
          <qc:StoplightThreshold value="80">
                  <SolidColor color="#AA0000" />

<?xml version=" 1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<qc:StoplightWedgeRenderer xmlns:qc="qs.charts.dataRenderers.* " xmlns="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
          <qc:StoplightThreshold value="0">
                  <SolidColor color="#CCAACC" />
          <qc:StoplightThreshold value="50">
                  <SolidColor color="#AAAACC" />
          <qc:StoplightThreshold value="80">
                  <SolidColor color="#AACCCC" />



Jason __._,_.___

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